Torimori wintertask

6 0 0

Wordcount: 527

Winter Challenge ToriARPG::

CandyHearts Winter Quest


CandyHeart had never seen snow before, the white powder was new to him and he was unsure how to feel about the powder. At first he thought sugar was falling from the sky, and to his astonishment found it was cold when it touched him, and sadly he was unsure of how to go from there.

He wanted to understand this falling white fluff.

The snow seemed to stick to him, but would melt after a while. When he stuck his tongue out he found it melted as well, and it tasted like water.

He then began to panic; flapping his little wings in confusion. The colors of his wings all melded together with speed as he raced around.

The rain was confused!

The rain was broken!

Rain.exe has stopped functioning.

He looked like a very tiny chicken running with his head cut off when he fell face first into a pile of what he had wanted to be sugar, but again it was this white powder. He ran to find someone to inform them of this alarming discovery, but he was shaking. He hated the cold, found it to be one of his least favorite things. He had to first find something warm, when he began to see other toris playing with this powder.

He found Arlette playing with it, making it into an orange banana? He slowly made his way up to her, shivering. "A..Arlette..what are you doing! The rain is broken and it has come out all wrong."

She giggled. "This isn't rain silly, its called snow. It comes every winter. You can use it to make snowtoris, snowballs, and my favorite, orange bananas."

" it isn't broken, but..its so..c..cold..Arlette..why is it so..cold."

"If it wasn't cold it wouldn't be snow. Here you can borrow my hat." She replied helping get the small tori in the hat. He giggled seeing himself in the hat in the reflection of a small lake that seemed to be freezing over.

"WHY IS THE LAKE NOT WATER ANYMORE!" He screamed gaining the attention of all the other toris around him. They laughed watching little Candy run around in panic, Arlette also explained that to the poor confused baby. He nodded, trying to understand why the lake was frozen. His tiny frame still shaking.

"Lets all go get warm by the fire." Candy suggested wanting to get out of this so called snow as quickly as possible. As they entered a building that had a small fire they all snuggled up together. He giggled as he listened to everyone sharing their favorite winter activities.

For Candy being snuggled in with his friends all warm and tight was his favorite part. He silently thanked the broken rain for bringing him and all his friends closer. The small fire crackled as he snuggled into Arlette, she was very nice to him, and he watned to return the warmth, however the small tori, with a shaking body fell asleep cuddled with the older tori.

Even if the rain was broken and everyone was convinced it was normal, he liked the winter, but not the cold.

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