Tricked Flash writing challenge

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Old Man Henderson's house was always the scariest house on the block, however this year we decided to knock. I didn't think he would answer. When he did we yelled in cheerful candy hoping voices trick-or-treat. His lips curled into a smile, under his breath I heard him whisper "trick." He flicked up something like a light switch, the floor underneath or feet feel, our candy buckets and candies went flying. I saw brilliant colors of pastels and bright oranges and reds. Our screams echoed as we fell for what seemed like ages. We hit the floor, my legs ached with pain as I sat on the ground. Around us were the terrified faces of our school mates, as well as parents of young children. He was tired of us knocking, and we were trapped in darkness. We heard footsteps above us and cheerful voices calling Trick-Or-Treat.

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