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I got a new daily prompt app which is nice, first attempt to upload from my phone.
Prompt - Write a story that begins in the shower

The sounds of the water drowned out the sobs that wracked his body. Blood rolled down his back and thigh, the water becoming a mix of red. The wound on his leg was large and the water stung as it penetrated the wound.

He took in a deep breath as his cracked lip quivered in pain. The outside world was falling apart and he was a victim.

The ones he had to kill were only because he was forced to survive, the undead were trying to kill him, and the living were almost worse.

The dead were only hungry, while the living were animals.

Tears and blood dripped from his body as he sobbed harder slamming his first against the tile. He would need to sew the wounds, he would need to clean them, he was glad he still had water, and some food however.

But it wasn't enough, he needed people, or he would fall into insanity.

The sound of hungry undead invaded his thoughts, pounding on the door was heard as he quickly shut off the water.

They had got in, and he was wounded.

This may be the last shower he ever gets.

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