Stuck As a Wolf -Entry (Future Story Maybe?)

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Entry for: 

#halloweenvault #werewolf


Word count (286)

Morph, why the hell can't I morph? Stuck in my wolf form.

My silky fur was soft, however it was unsafe in these woods. Wolves were allowed to be killed, she whimpered as she ran. Kept running, the wind flowing through my dark brown fur. I need to get back to the other, were we all stuck like this now? Why could I not morph, could others morph?

I ran towards our homes, when I saw everyone young and old as wolves. My Alpha was barking orders, he knew who had done this, and why. I let out a bark getting his attention, he turned to me and ran to my side. We nuzzled for a moment. He licked my nose. "My luna, how are you?"

"Why are we stuck like this, even the babies who have not even morphed before are wolves. Pups..why Alpha."

"A witch cast a spell, every werewolf in the country is stuck like this. Even the ones who left this life, some have been killed already." He lowered his eyes to the floor. "Honey I am so sorry."

"You had nothing to do with this."

"Do not worry love, we will fix this. I will fix this." We nuzzled noses, he frowned and turned back to help. I tried to help my people, the mothers of babies were racing to get them to sit still or stay with them. One mothers baby was stuck in a crib, the two of us had to carefully pull it to the ground.

Suddenly I heard a yelp, I raced to my Alphas side.

The witch, the one who had done this to us all was standing, crazy in her eyes. "Ready to die wolfies?"

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