The True Story of Bigfoot

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An entry for a tabletop RPG-type secret Santa over on Twitter so check me out there @/DawnsPlaceYT if you wanna follow me over there too.


Have you ever wondered, who is bigfoot? Or perhaps the question is, what is bigfoot?

Well I have a story for you.

There once was a druid, a druid that was very interested in stories. They were often in taverns listening to the stories of adventurers returning from their travels. But the druid wanted more, they wanted to be the main character in the stories. They wanted people to talk about them, they wanted to be in the light of glory, or at least interest.

So in the middle of the night, while the stars sparkled above them twinkling to lead the way into the woods through the village the druid wild shaped into a large ape like creature.

Large footsteps leading about the town and through the woods.

Wild shaping once again into a small bird they fluttered back to their home to ensure there were no footsteps that would lead back to their home.

In the morning the druid opened their door to hear the town speaking about a large footed creature, racing to the town tavern the druid sat hearing the people talk about this creator.

About them.

"What are we calling this creature?"

"It does not have a name yet." Replied the bar keep. "All we know is the creature has very large feet."

"Bigfoot perhaps, maybe we should call it big foot."

"Bigfoot sounds like a perfect name," the barkeep replied, many of the patrons lifted their morning glasses in agreement. "Bigfoot."

Night after night the druid continued to walk through the town, and before the night was over decided to go further. They soon went to the next town walking through it as well before returning to their own home. The next morning the Rumor mill was abuzz. "The creature is fast, bigfoot can go from town to town in a night. It must be a large creature with those large feet it has."

"It is bigfoot, it must be very large to have such big feet." The druid replied trying to continue their tale. The druid continued to do this as often as they could to spin the tale of bigfoot.

So if you happen to see very large footprints, it was Bob, the druid who just wanted to finally have a story of their own. 

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