The definition of Art

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Writing Drabble 



What constitutes art?
Does it have a point or meaning or is everything up to interpretation?
Is a model art or is she imperfect and beyond the word?
Is litature and photography art?
Is the defiantion the same to everyone?

To a blind man what do they say is art?
To a deaf women the art of music is unreachable.
To a hermit do they find art in dirt?
To a millionaire do they see art within their riches?

To all mankind art is up to the imagination, and yet it is also everywhere and no where.

Why is it that art is so versatile?

To a carpenter art is within the wood they saw.
To a painter the walls they breath new life into becomes art.
To a singer their song verbally shows art.
To a director the actors are the art.
To a writer the words written on the page bring art and life.
To a cook art becomes edible.
To a magician art is the magic.
To a deer the world around them is art, the leaves brilliant shades of life.

Even in death there is art.

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