LGBTQ+ Pride Contest Entry(S)

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Love should be boundless, and that includes for the people who aren't LGBTQ+. Having someone come out to you should be filled with just as much love as any other relationship. Learning someone sexuality shouldn't instantly change your mind about them, a sweet girl shouldn't become a monster the moment you learn they love women. Love your friends and your family the same as before you learned their sexuality, but it is a part of them, and it should be accepted 

Craven paced the floor, he needed to tell his brother Ryu the truth, he hadn't ever mentioned it, but now he had a master and he needed to come clean. He slowly made his way towards his brother fidgeting with the collar around his neck. As Ryu turned his eyes grew wide. "Craven!" He called racing towards his twin. "Is that a collar? Did, did someone buy you Craven?"

Craven blushed thinking about his master, since they were children being sold into servitude they had worked day in and out hauling boxes and pulling in fishing nets, now he had a master. Someone who loved him, despite the title of slave. "Yes Ryu, I still am within the walls of Callow, I can still see you, I just.. I have been bought." He was rubbing the back of his head, his fiery hair ruffling as he looked over his brother, his hazel eyes trying to see a difference in his demeanor.

Ryu hesitated, not wanting to seem sad. "Who is she?"

"Its actually a he Ryu. I like..I like both men and women Ryu. We met at the festival recently, and I just..I couldn't help myself. He offered to buy me, and I didn't hesitate, I really like him. I think I. I think I love him." He lowered his head afraid his brother would be angry. Ryu smiled and cupped his brothers cheeks. "You aren't angry?"

"I have suspected it for a long time you know, and that horrible nickname about you does float around. It makes more sense now. I didn't want you selling yourself for money, for other thing you know, but this, this is okay. You are okay Craven. I accept you and I love you for who you are, no matter who you love."

Craven smiled and threw his arms around his brother. Ryu smiled and hugged his brother carefully. He was going to be sad, not being with him everyday but it was okay. He knew if he was sick his master would get him medicine, if he was hungry he would be fed, if he needed anything it would be there within minutes.

"You really..really accept me?"

"My love for you does not have a boundary Craven, you are my brother, my twin and as long as you are safe and in love who am I to come between you and who you love. I love you, and that is enough."

Craven smiled, tears streaming down his face, this way his dream come true. He thought back to all the people who had learned of his feelings for them, how they tossed him aside, harmed him even because of what his heart wanted, but now he knew he would not loose his brother. He knew he was safe with his master, and lover, he knew he was in a place that was loving and welcoming. Ryu hugged Craven tighter. He wanted his brother to know that he wasn't alone, and that he was loved. That he would forever be loved. "Now I want to meet this master of yours, what is his name Craven?"

Craven blushed. "His name is Sebastian." Craven giggled, he couldn't stop thinking about him, his soft dark brown locks, his handsome blue eyes. "He goes by Tian, he is a knight of Giel but lives in the Callow residents." He smiled when he heard Tian's voice.

"Craven!" Craven turned and padded over to Tian. "Did you find him?"

"Yes sir, Ryu is right over there."

"He really does look similarly to you, he just looks older despite you being twins." He said looking over Craven's brother. Ryu bowed to the knight.

"Just take care of my brother, that is all I wish."

"I will love him, and take care of him I promise." Sebastian said as he grabbed Craven's hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

Craven smiled, this was love, this was family, he took pride in who he was and no one could stop him. He would love no matter who they were, gender isn't a boundary. Love has no bounds.Wordcount: 684


Characters Used

My OC - Craven

Cravens Brother - Ryu belongs to
@arkinangelowolfe on DA

Sebastian belongs to @KibaRoark on DA

The characters are from the RP group The Houses of Ulirija a GOT inspired RP by @aranyas

Contest: by iongnadh on DA


My Drawing Entry

Nova is my lesbian mermaid <3

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Nova is my lesbian mermaid <3

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