Trial by Confession

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"Did you do it?"

"I did," a gasp ran through the court, he smiled hearing the crowd. "I would do it again too."

The judge looked him over. "Why did you do it?"

"You would have too if you knew what he had done to people. What he was."

"What do you mean, what was he?"

"A monster, a killer themselves. I did it to save lives not take them. He was evil, search his basement, search his fridge. The meals within the fridge aren't made with you pork or beef but human. The bones and eyes in the jars aren't from small or large animals but humans. I did as I said, I said I would save lives and killing one killer to me is worth it when his one life was killing so many more."

The jury looked to one another, they understood him, but didn't know if what he was saying was true. "If you wish to put me behind bars for what I did, than go ahead I accept my fate."

The judge looked to everyone in the room, to the police by the door nodding to say check this out but he had said he was a killer. If he was making it all up as well it was just a story to keep him out longer. The jury sentenced him to life bending bars with no possibility or parole unless his story was accurate. Than another trial was possible after 5 years.

He grinned, seeing the confusion in the crowd, seeing the fear in their eyes. He watched his weapon bring bagged up, the blood staining the sides. He chuckled, he had gotten his revenge and saved lives.

How could he tell the people the reason he only has one arm was because of the man he killed? How could he tell them the man had devoured it before he managed to escape.

Who would believe him?

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