Monster Baby

28 4 5

Wordcount:: 434
For this::

As I entered the house I noticed the calmed look on the parents face, yet their eyes were filled with panic. "Thank you so much, we know it seems to have come out of no where but we honestly needed someone to watch our, sweet, sweet baby." They seemed to be hesitant about saying sweet, as if they were hiding something, something of real panic. "Its a week, but he should be fine." The baby was able to walk, and speak a few words but I knew he wasn't able to do as much as a child.

They left, as I watched them out the window they were jumping for joy and racing away. I walked towards Hunter's room, as I entered I realized the crib was covered in blood. I quickly peaked into the crib, and Hunter was laughing and giggling. His tiny hands covered in blood, his lips and cheeks dabbled in red. I picked him up quickly, raced him to the bathroom and began to clean him, trying to find the wounds. Nothing, no wounds.

I went back to the crib, I placed him down in crib and checked for where the blood could have come from. I let out a scream, under the bed were hundreds of bones from small animals were scattered around, he ate animals raw?

I dialed their number.

No answer.

I opened the fridge, bottles filled with blood, meat in chunks.

Hunter was a monster.

The week went by slow, the baby seemed to have some sort of powers. He would randomly appear by me when he was hungry, he never cried. He would only blankly stare at me, with his dead eyes.

What was he?

Finally the day had came for his parents to return, I paced back and forth as I waited for them to come home. I fed the baby, he was drinking the blood, she wanted to cry, he was terrifying. His teeth were sharp. The door opened, and she raced to see them.

They looked tired. "Sorry we just tossed you into this, but we had to make sure you could handle this."

"What, what do you mean?"

Hunter's father shut the door, and latched it. Hunters mother took the baby from me. "You are never, and we mean never leaving."

"No..No you cant do this to me." I cried as I began to run, Hunters father grabbed her. "Please.."

"You are our daughter now honey. Hunter loves you. We love you."

"You dont love me." I cried as I was handcuffed to the banister. "Please..please."

"Shh now, who wants dinner?" 

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