You can Cross me not Them

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For a creative writing class project so you know that's a thing I did, picture of art above drawn by >

The assignment was to age up a character, give them a new goal in life and then use two of their contrasting traits to write a short

Art stepped back watching the patrons of their small tavern, their golden eyes traveling from person to person, party to party. A few war-torn travelers looking for rest sat drinking and exchanging coin from their most recent adventure. Art felt a hand on their shoulder, turning their head they saw a familiar face. "I can't pay you for the stay."

Art's eyes closed for a moment to think. "It's fine, this was just a place of rest for you."

"I appreciate it."

Art didn't know exactly what to do, there was rent to pay, supplies to get, but there was no need for a fight. The man removed his hand from the tavern keep and stepped away. His blonde hair bounced as he pushed his way between the war-torn adventures just trying to enjoy the moments of rest they had. Art watched with a frown, what was he doing now?

"Mind if you buy me a drink, you seem to have plenty." He had seen the exchange of gold.

"Sorry, this is for our keep." The female elf replied giving him a once over. "Besides we saw you at the bar last night. You should have coin."

"Listen here lady, it's just a favor, I don't have to listen to the likes of you."

"Whoa buddy." The larger human man said slamming his fist on the table. "Back off our cleric."

The blonde man rolled his eyes. "Ah a healer, no wonder."

"What does that mean?" Art asked stepping up and setting their hand on the man's shoulder. "I think you should leave." Art had been a cleric and a bard during his times on the road.

"I thought you said I could stay. You can't just throw me out."

"I can." Art replied, their tail twisting in anger. "I don't appreciate you bothering my paying customers, these people just saved the town from the pack of angry undead. Why don't you pay a little respect before you go?" The man lowered his head as Art lifted him by his scruff and tossed him out of the tavern. "Stay as long as you need," Art smiled, "no need to spend all your coin on lowlifes. Not everyone who comes into my tavern is good company."

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