July Darling Dainty Prompt - To Fish or Be Fished

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Ambrose happily collected their fishing pole, worms, and a large bucket for all the fish they were planning to catch. Today was a good day for fishing, the weather was great, there was a slight cloud cover but that helped keep it not so hot. Ambrose checked to make sure they had a lunch packed up and some water bottels before heading out to the large pond.

As Ambrose made his way down through the farm he made sure to check on all of the animals. Each one seemed happy and had full waters and food containers. Ambrose smiled to herself and slipped down to the pond. A few ducks paddled along the lake quaking as Ambrose sat down and got her pole ready. Ambrose smiled big once the worm was on their hook and reeled back the rod. Ambrose flicked their wrist and smiled big as the line went far into the pond. Ambrose knew the kind of fish that swam within the pod, after all it was the pond on their farm.

Rainbow trout, catfish, blue gills, and a few tiger trout. Ambrose used the pond to both feed herself and to take to farmers markets. Ambrose was wanting to do a big fish fry and invite their friends over, it was one of his favorite things to do; have people over and feed them with products they grew themselves.

Ambrose's legs hung over the dock, they kicked their legs softly back and forth. Each hoof softly touched the water gliding back and forth while they kicked their legs. The dragging water motion caught something's attention. Ambrose's yellow hoof was the main attention grabber of something lurking below the surface.

Ambrose continued to whistle while waiting for the fish to come, his line caught and Ambrose began to reel it in quickly. As he did so his yellow hoof slipped a bit under the surface. While Ambrose was buy reeling a large fish began to stalk their hoof. It's body wriggled below the surface inching closer and closer to the hoof in question. The big yellow hoof was most enticing and interesting to say the least.

Ambrose reeled and reeled until they pulled a rainbow trout free. "Yes!" Ambrose smiled happily placing it in the large bucket. The fish thrashed about splashing but after many failed attempts to keep fish in the buckets Ambrose had learned to bring a cover for it so they couldn't' jump out and skitter back into the pond to his dismay. Ambrose adjusted on the dock her hoof pulling free from the water for a moment.

The intruder grew still awaiting the shiny yellow hoof to return.

Ambrose placed a netted top on the fish bucket before placing another dirt caked worm on the hook. Ambrose casted out to the center of the pond once more before placing their legs back over the dock, the yellow hoof to the creatures delight becoming visible once again. A slow sneak felt safest for them, so they continued to slowly inch towards the moving target.

A small turtle paddled up to a rock beside Ambrose. Ambrose quickly grew distracted, a lover of animals as always. "Well hello little turtle, how are you today?" Ambrose questioned smiling toward the little pond slider. The turtle seemed to react to Ambrose's voice and nodded his head. Ambrose smiled. "Good, it's a lovely day little turtle isn't it?"

The tiny pond sliders nails tapped on the smooth stone it stood upon before it slid back in the water a small school of blue gills followed it about before it disappeared where Ambrose could no longer see it. Ambrose smiled returning their attention to the pond. The creature who had found Ambrose's hoof to be of interest was lurking closer and closer each second. Ambrose was far to focused on their hook to notice anything going on below their feet.

They were on their pond after all, nothing should be lurking within that may be dangerous in any means. Ambrose smiled as they felt another pull on their line. Ambrose began to real in once again. Pulling free a large trout Ambrose did a small wiggle dance on the dock proud of themselves for their catch. Ambrose placed that fish in a bucket before repeating the process of putting a worm on the hook and casting out.

Ambrose smiled their tail twitching in delight as they continued to catch small trout's and blue gills. The fish came easily enough, and the small predator waiting under the surface of the water was coming up for its official attack.

Ambrose's legs kicked in the water when they suddenly felt something brush against his hoof, he shrugged off knowing that there were plenty of fish below the surface of the water. Just as there were ducks and turtles. As Ambrose casted once more a sudden feeling rushed over her.

Something had its mouth over her left leg. Ambrose yelped and wriggled back on the dock only to find a large catfish attached. Ambrose's blue green eyes were wide. The catfish was huge, at lest four feet long, and apparently it had found Ambrose to be a tasty snack.

Ambrose wrestled the large catfish off their leg and carried it off the dock so there was no chance of it escaping.

This sure was a story to tell at farmers markets when people ask what was the weirdest way you've got a fish. Usually Ambrose didn't have an answer for the question, but they sure did now. The catfish's grey skin quickly became dirty and covered in the grass below it.

"You're huge.." Ambrose exclaimed looking it over. Ambrose couldn't believe this fish decided to make his yellow hoof and lower leg its next meal. The catfish mouth moved up and down open and shut as it wriggled on the grass. Ambrose smiled big, carry this one back first then the rest, Ambrose decided to themselves. They carried the large catfish back filling up their bathtub with some water so it didn't perish.

Ambrose headed back to the buckets chasing off a few ducks that wanted to enjoy some of the fish that they had caught. Ambrose carried it back inside and went to view the catfish only for it to slam the water with its tail covering Ambrose in tub water. Ambrose smirked.

This catfish sure was feisty, so instead of cooking it up Ambrose decided it was time to add a large fish tank to the house just for their new pet fish Feisty. 

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