Magazine of Death

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Parties were never really my thing, I was dragged here by friends; and left on my own once they brought out the wine from the cellar that the jocks broke open. No dog, so I couldn't hide in the corner and play with it, but they did have a library full of books and magazines, I was never a big reader but I was bored as hell.

I began to flip through magazines when I spotted one that was in a strange place, out of the ordinary. It was hidden underneath books that had no covers. I grabbed it, my fingers crinkled the plastic feel, I let out a small shriek and dropped it. The cover picture was bodies, dead mutilated bodies. As it hit the ground with a plop the pages began to spin wildly, I stepped back and went to run out of library when the door slammed shut. I turned in horror to see that the books were shooting out of the shelf. I cowered in the corner as the pages began to cut me, the paper cuts shooting with pain, blood slowly dripped down my arms, face, and legs. I let out cries of pain as the books began to swirl faster.

The thumping of the party music was pounding my ears when the doors shot open and the books zoomed into the room filled with drunk and partying teens. I heard their screams and cries, that is when I heard someone yell that someone was dead. A book had slit their throat, this was my fault. I opened the magazine, I was at fault.

I mustered the courage to run, I stood and watched as people were being suffocated by magazines and others who were bloody and bruised. I ran to the door and left the party, running as quickly as I could.

That night on the news I heard that more than half the party attentandes were dead, and those who were not were critically injured.

Why did the party not have a dog?

For this contest:

#wattpadchronicle and #halloweenvault

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