Into The Game

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Story I wrote in 8th or 9th grade for a contest 
Got third place so it was pretty good 

Kenin waited for the game store to open, they were giving away ten free copies of Game On, it was an RPG, you could choose your own path and the game will make its self around every choice.

Mr. Jenikly the old deaf man walked by and grabbed Kenin by the arm, Kenin fallowed him inside, in a back room sat a chair, an Oculus Rift and the cover of Game on. Kenin looked at the old man, the man smiled his green eyes gleaming. Kenin nodded, the old man ruffled Kenin's black hair.

The game was set up and then Kenin was sent into the game, as his blue eyes scanned the pixelated jungle three objects floated in front of him, a sword with a golden hilt, a book, and a ball of blue fire. Kenin grabbed the blue ball.

He stepped back in pain, he arched his back as he floated up wards, the fire ball engulfed Kenin, and he screamed in terror as the ball entered his body, he glowed blue for a while. Kenin fell to his knees in agony, his breathing was labored, his hair was tinted blue, he was now power.

A boy walked forward he smiled, he had purple eyes, orange hair, cute fox ears and a tail. "Are you alright?"

"Yes I... think I am," Kenin told the boy smiling at him. "My name is Kenin."


"Nice to meet you, where are we?"

"This place is called the Tangled Jungle, its where Orbnag the evil lives."

"Orbnag, what kind of name is that?"

"It is his name savior, we better be going he will know you are here."

Kenin looked up in confusion had Adam called him a savior? He had to of, as they walked Adam told him of the evil he must face. "Wait so you're telling me I have to defeat this evil lizard lion wizard man, and I am the only one who can?"

"Yes that's what I am saying," Adam told him with a crooked smiled showing him a row of pointed canines.

"That's a lot to take in."

"True but you can handle it you are meant to save our world, the prophecy states that."


"The boy in blue," Adam told him, "you have blue eyes, your hair has blue in it, your glow with a blue aura you are our savior. You chose the blue fire ball."

"Well isn't it my doom," a booming voice said from out of nowhere. A lime green ball of fire hit right in between his legs, Adam hissed in fear hiding behind Kenin. "Don't hide you coward one of you must die preferably the boy in blue."

"Never!" Kenin yelled as another lime fire ball hit the ground inches from Adams tail. "Leave my friend alone."

A giant lime green lizard wearing a purple robe came forward, he had yellow piercing eyes and a dark lion main. "I won't listen to you."

"Seriously... I think you should," Kenin growled as another lime green fire ball exploded. "Every villain is lime, I knew evil stood for something," Kenin growled as he conjured a blue fire ball, the ball was thrown at the lizard man exploding on contact.

"You did it!" Adam said.

"Level up," a robotic voice said in the distance.

"He should be dead," Adam said walking towards the motionless lizard. A scaly hand grabbed Adam by the neck, "Kenin help... help please." The lizard conjured another fire ball sending Adam flying into a tree.

"Nooo!" Kenin shouted running to his new found friend. "You will pay for that!" Kenin shouted turning to find Orbnag gone.

"Go savior you can't help me now."

"Adam I can't just leave you."

"Go save the world, I am just a small price of your victory go!"

"You won't have died in vein," Kenin cried as Adams body disappeared. Kenin ran through the jungle in search of the evil jerk who killed his friend. As he ran the jungle got denser, darker, and colder. A green figure slithered past Kenin knocking him off of his feet. Orbnag stood looming over him as he struggled in his enemies grasp.

"Ready to join your friend?"

"He didn't die for me to die to," Kenin responded burning his hand.

"Ouch you brat!" Orbnag shouted stepping away from the boy, Kenin rolled out of the way. Orbnag turned in time, the blue fire ball sailed into the dark jungle. Kenin hit the ground in anger then his body began to burn.

Kenin looked down at himself in fear, his entire body glowed blue, his eyes turned piercing white, his hair glowed dark blue, his body engulfed itself in blue fire, his veins were visible, he floated off the ground, Orbnag looked up in fear.

"This can't be... you can't do this!" Orbnag shrieked running, Kenin fell back to the ground he felt overpowered. He ran after the cowardly villain with the speed of a cheetah dodging trees and branches with every stride.

He lifted up a hand shooting a fire ball bigger than he had ever conjured, it exploded hitting the creature in front of him on contact. Orbnag feel to his knees taking his final breath. Kenin felt the world disappear, he opened his eyes to see the old store owner sitting on a chair smiling.

Kenin walked out of the store with no intent of buying the game, as he entered his room on his bed sat a copy of the game, a stuffed fox boy lay on the bed as well. Kenin smiled hugging the stuffed toy closely when he felt his arms burn with fire.

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