Dolls Eyes

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The dolls heads sat in a long row along the shelves, each head was scalpel and their eyes were pure white. They were stacked on top of one another, each head varied in size and color, very few were the same. Other shelves were stacked heigh with legs, arms, torsos, and hair. The darkness of the room was petrifying, but what really got the teens who stood at the entrance of the room was the eyes. Not the white eyes of the dolls, but the jars filled with eyes scattered about the clean shelves with doll parts.

There was a desk in the center of the room, more parts of dolls were scattered about the floor, but there was one doll half way finished sitting on a pillow on the desks surface. It looked like a normal doll, but its eyes, its eyes were not painted on like her smile or her nose. Her eyes were not glass, her eyes were real, and they were bright with life. As the teens turned to leave an old women stepped into the room. "Where are you going?" She asked, her voice was cracked with age, and she was blind but somehow she knew they were there, and ready to leave.

Before they could reply the women snapped her fingers and the small hands began to crawl towards them, they screamed as the hands began to grab for them. They were dragged to the floor, the old women smiled. "Glad to add to my collection." She smiled leaning down and with another snap the four teens were no longer human but rather dolls. She smirked and carried her new toys up the stairs to a special room, dolls of varying looks sat together on a bed, shelves, and chairs. "Welcome to your new home." She said placing each one down, fidgeting with them each she placed the eyes in a new jar replacing these ones with glass or porcelain ones.

Reports of missing children, teens, and even adults continued to stack up in their small town. The women continued to make profit off her dolls with realistic eyes, and her collection of dolls continued to grow. Glass eyes replaced real ones, and real eyes replaced painted ones.

-- A little entry for a contest on tumblr 

I got first place on it too omg! 

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