Tumblr Prompt 2

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Prompt: By @/write-it-motherfuckers

The branch creaked slightly as you settled yourself down comfortably, glancing down at the forest below. It was safer up here for you, where you knew they wouldn't think to look and wouldn't dare to follow. Soon enough they would grow tired of not being able to find you, and having all the fun sucked out of their "games".

Swinging your legs slightly, you pulled out a book, relaxing back against the sturdy trunk of the tree as you waited for the bullies to move on. You knew this routine quite well by now, and luckily had always been very good at climbing and sneaking around. You were definitely more patient than they were.

Flipping a page in your book, you easily ignored the sounds of frustration far below, losing yourself in the story for a time, until a very strange feeling overcame you. Warily, you lowered your book, barely managing to bite back a sharp yelp of surprise at the being you found crouched curiously before you.

Quick as lightning, their hand snapped out, gently covering your mouth as they held up a finger in a shushing motion. Once certain you weren't accidentally going to call attention to you both, they slowly removed their hand, giving you a wide grin that showed off some very sharp teeth, their wings giving an excited flutter behind them.

Looking at the deceptively young being before you, you somehow had a feeling that the course of your life had just changed drastically. Though whether it was for better or worse, had yet to be seen.


The creature pointed below the two of you, and with the knowledge something was lurking underneath the two of you, you slowly peaked down.

Two large and inhuman black masses were crawling, and your eyes shot open, realizing whatever this being was that crouched across from you had just gotten away from bullies just as you had.

After a few minutes the creatures were gone.

"No good flitwicks." The creature finally spoke pointing towards the creatures. You smirked slightly.

"I think we could help each other." 

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