Project Blueberry

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Eldan walked through the fields careful as he could be carrying the single blueberry in his hand, he was careful not to squish it. The small and round berry rested carefully in his palm as he searched through the fields, he couldn't see anyone, even the orange eyes of the infected infinities. He gulped as he continued to wack things down with his sword. The faster he hit the more mesmerizing the sword looked, the red and white blurring as he did his best to avoid holes, he was agile but he knew a single misstep could send him tumbling forward, possibly loosing or squishing the precious berry.

As he entered the woods carefully stepping over large rocks and branches he spotted one in the dense bush and trees. The orange of their eyes startling him. He stepped back for a moment as the ghostly figure began to wade its way in the bush towards him. He took a deep breath sheathing his sword as he began to walk towards it. He smiled and began to grow closer. "Hey, its all gonna be okay.." He began. They turned their head slightly to the side the white of their body standing out within the lush green of the woods. "Its okay, I am here to help you."

The zombified infinity began to move quicker towards it, Eldan took in a deep breath and closed the gap shoving the blueberry into its open mouth. The bleeding orange of the eyes stared at him for a second as he quickly stepped back, he fell tripping over a vine. "Please say this worked, please say this worked." He begged to no one and nothing in particular as the zombie twitched towards him. That little blueberry was all he needed to save them, and himself.

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