Random Writing Prompt

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Prompt From: Givethispromptatry on tumblr - 

Prompt: The place looked like an average home for a family of four. The rooms pretty clean with some odds and ends loose and strewn about. The TV flickered through commercials as the portable heater pulsed out heat waves.

Something was off. Something wasn't right.

My Reply

As he looked around the room he saw the first thing that tipped him off about the room being not right. A rag covered in a deep red was poking out from the pink cushioned chair. As he began to creep towards it he heard a sound, he dropped to the floor, the outside world was going to hell.

The so called apocalypse was apparently beginning, and he had just walked into the first open door he saw. He held his only 'weapon' in his hand. A bottle of soda that he had with him before he was warned by a passerby to get indoors. His grip made his finger tips grow white. He saw two small feet making their way past him and out the front door, before he could warn the child to stop he saw what they were running from, a man with dark hair and bloodshot eyes was growling and thrashing, he was stumbling while walking.

The apocalypse had really begun, and everything they had once known was gone. 

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