Chapter 35 - Progress

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"Yes. Yes, I will. Thank you for your time. I will let you know once we've decided." Xavier spoke on the phone before cutting the connection, finally letting out the deep sigh he had held in.

The job interviews were progressing slowly but surely. Under the guidance of Fabian and his security team, intensive background checks were made, down to checking friends of friends just to make sure none held ill connections.

And even if everything was exemplary, they were all still cautious to bring anyone new in. All they needed was one person to tip the scales, a single individual that lost control around the Deprived.

One slip of attention and everything they worked so hard for, could be ruined. But they had no other option but to hire new people. Serena was working meticulously with the Deprived, to try and assess their mental wellbeing, to help them heal.

But she could only do so much on her own. Even with all four of the Improba leeching away the pain and suffering from the Deprived, the supply far exceeded what they all could take in.

Which led to the point where Xavier and the security team were at now. To be forced to take the risk and allow another Improba among them.

A risk that could have dire consequences. Well, if the Improba survived the last check at the hands of the Lechens.

So far they had collected less than a handful of trustworthy Improba. Individuals that had proven themselves to be anything but the bloodthirsty and sadistic monstrosities that had created this many Deprived.

The issue lied in the fact that Xavier couldn't reveal his compound existed, nor that it contained a bunch of vulnerable deprived.

All he had done, was reach out to his contacts, let them know that he was in need of capable caretakers, nurses, both psychiatrists and psychologists.

Anyone that could help the Deprived in their never-ending struggle to retain and regain some of their former lives.

Xavier didn't need to explain to the team why he had kept the potential employees in the dark. If word got out that he was recruiting people for a Deprived compound, chances were that those with ill intent would try to force their way in.

So, Xavier instead was going to invite the individuals one by one at their former compound. To interview them there in the presence of Isabelle, the fabled Irshi, a type of Fairy that couldn't physically lie.

But she had a magical talent to detect any form of lies. And the capability to wipe someone's memory. If their future employee was found to be unfit for the position, Xavier was counting on Isabelle to wipe their memories clean of any trace that would endanger the Deprived.

Even if they were found trustworthy, the true test would be when those individuals were brought back here. To face the inspection of not one, but two Leshens.

Who had proven to viciously torment and murder anyone who had dared to harm the Deprived.

No pressure there...

He sighed once more, catching Fabian's attention across the room, who copied the gesture and stretched out.

"Three men and one woman who have no connections with anyone remotely shady. A psychiatrist who wanted to live a quieter life away from the city while still performing his job, a live-in nurse whom has spent many years taking care for weak and vulnerable patients and lastly, two family physicians." Fabian read off the paper, gaining another sigh from Xavier.

"Four people that we desperately need." Xavier agreed, rubbing tiredly over his face. "But also four people who could endanger all the Deprived here."

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