Chapter 48 - Memories

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Small changes were seen all around them. More and more Deprived started venturing out of their houses, no longer slinking around or sprinting from door to door.

Several Deprived had followed their noses to Sophie's house, where they were warmly greeted with freshly baked cupcakes and fluffy pastries.

Soon enough, there was a whole troop of Deprived hesitantly nibbling on fresh pastries. Jesse was among them after an invitation from Sophie, enjoying his chocolate filled croissant. Huffing with each bite in an attempt to let the mouthful of hot creamy chocolate and puff pastry cool enough.

Yet like many of the other Deprived there, Jesse refused to wait until the pastry was fully cooled down. He'd rather join the people wafting air at their mouths, gasping for air with each new bite, then wait for a taste of heaven.

"I'll take it as a compliment." Sophie grinned, her laughter chiming through the room as she observed the people in her personal bakery.

It was curious how good food could bring people together. None of the Deprived within that room seemed to care that there were more than ten people in the small dining area, nor did they care that they were seated close together.

Yet instinctively, Jesse knew things would be different if one of the guards or worse, one of the Improba, were to join them, all hell would break loose.

Somehow, Jesse also knew that the guards were more than likely aware of the Deprived currently gathered within Sophie's bakery and spread the word to avoid any such events from happening.

A tray with cool drinks was placed on the table and all the Deprived grabbed a glass, eager to douse the fire in their mouths and prevent any burns from forming.

"Please let me know if anything wasn't to your liking, or if you have any suggestions." Sophie smiled with a motion to the pastries and assortments of baked goods. Her eyes fell on a white haired young man, who was slowly ripping pieces of the cinnamon roll with a slight twitch at his nose. "I have other baked goods that are less sweet."

Violet eyes shot up with excitement before his eyes dropped back to his hands. A sense of nervousness crawling over his body as he murmured "I sh-should finish...this."

An understanding smile slipped on Sophie's face before she shook her head. "It's okay Ian. Not everyone wants sweet pastries after all. I have something more savory if you want."

As Ian nodded, the cinnamon roll in front of him disappeared as Tristan leaned over. "More for me then!" The cinnamon roll was devoured within the blink of an eye and Ian sat there flabbergasted while the werewolf across from him licked his lips.

"What?" Tristan asked after brushing some crumbs from his lips. "You weren't gonna eat that anyways, right?" The werewolf grinned while the other Deprived sighed, ignoring Tristan as he focused his attention on Sophie.

"Something savory... would be delightful." He breathed, eyes flitting across the room as if anticipating someone to barge in and punish him for daring to make demands.

Sophie smiled and presented him with an entire selection of savory pies, pastries and other delights. "These are all bite sized, though be careful as the filling might still be hot. This is an Irish potato pie, this is a Russian Coulibiac with salmon..."

Jesse watched as Sophie pointed and named several dishes and how the Deprived savored each bite from the presented pies.

He didn't know the names of the other Deprived around the room but with each visit more and more relaxed enough to introduce themselves.

Except for the platinum blond male, who had yet to announce his name, even though Sophie had addressed him earlier. Yet Jesse didn't want to pry, nor did he want to accidentally open up any old wounds.

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