Chapter 32 - "It's not my fault..."

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Blinking tiredly, it took Jesse a moment to move in the bed. Soft blankets caressed his skin and he heard the vibrant sound of birds chirping on the rooftop.

He sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as he was trying to figure out a reason to even get out of bed. What was the purpose of getting up to begin with?

My purpose is gone.

Instead, he nuzzled deeper into the covers until the top of his head was barely visible. Though the warmth of the blankets felt comfortable around him, Jesse could feel the chill that sank in his bones.

He just laid there unmoving, blinking as the light behind the curtains brightened, slowly prying past the thicker fabric and started to illuminate the room.

Jesse turned his head, eyes flitting to the unfamiliar roof above him before he slowly remembered where he was.

The compound. The village where all the Deprived lived under the protection of its Leshen guards.

He didn't have a good look around upon arrival, as Jesse had been hit with a wave of exhaustion. Hell, he barely remembered stumbling after Xavier as the Improba had guided him towards his house.

My house...

Jesse slowly sat up, allowing the blankets to slip down and shivered in the slight chill compared to his cozy nest. His bedroom was bigger than the one he had owned in his hometown, in his first apartment.

Slowly shuffling out of bed, Jesse glanced around, eyes landing on the bedside table to his right and the dresser pressed against the wall on the opposite side.

Curiosity sparked to life, making him take slow, cautious steps towards the four drawer dresser before peeking inside.

The top two, smaller drawers, were filled with comfortable socks, boxershorts and briefs. All new and freshly washed, judging from the soft fragrance that tickled Jesse's nose.

Pushing the two drawers shut, he glanced inside the bigger two, finding simple shirts and pants in the top one with thicker hoodies and winter clothing.

Jesse didn't dare touch any of the clothing, the ever present fear in his body spiking at the mere idea. Closing the drawer while his stomach clenched together, Jesse averted his gaze before it was drawn by a slight fluttering motion.

A note fluttered in the slight breeze that made the curtains sway gently, paper getting picked up by the wind before it fell off of the bedside table.

Padding over towards the bed, Jesse crouched to snatch the paper up before it could find its way under the bed. His eyes flitted over the neat handwriting, shivering slightly as he wondered if he had already broken any rules by getting out of bed.

Touching things that didn't belong to him...

Yet he blinked in surprise, mouth slightly ajar as he slowly read the elegant yet simple note that was directed to him.

"Jesse, take your time to familiarize yourself with your personal house. The pantries, dresser and closet have all been filled with items you might want or need.

Don't be afraid to ask for anything you require. Everything within the house is yours to do with as you please.

I will come by later in the afternoon. Please make sure to eat something today.

- Xavier "

The sliver of paper trembled in his grasp as Jesse slowly sank back down on the bed.


His eyes flitted back to the dresser before they darted towards the door. As if anticipating someone to be lurking behind it, to barge in and punish him for looking at something that had way more value than he ever possessed.

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