Chapter 36 - A new beginning

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There were more of them. More Improba besides the ones he knew and yet they were good people.

Jesse observed the group from beneath his lashes, head lowered so his hair provided some natural cover. His stomach gurgled in protest each time he tore off a piece of bread and pressed it between his lips, forcing himself to eat.

Because logically, Jesse knew he should eat to stay healthy, that his body needed sustenance. Yet each time he put food in his mouth, he fought back the need to gag and spit out the morsel.

Instead he chewed slowly, thoughtfully, allowing his focus to wander away from the desire to refuse the meal. When Jesse looked up again, his eyes instantly were found and held by Xavier's, who offered a gentle smile to the Pixie.

Jesse was instantly hit with a sense of relief when the internal pain and suffering was leached away. It was one of the few reasons why he was grateful for the presence of the new Improba.

Thanks to them draining the overload on sensations, they managed to stop Jesse from getting sucked into a deeper, darker state of mind.

And when he offered a hesitant smile towards Xavier, the fully toothed beaming grin that aimed towards him made his heart stumble. A warm fuzzy feeling that warmed his chest and made Jesse feel content.

It was soothing, calming. Allowing tense muscles to slowly relax, draining the pains and aches away.

Thanks to the multiple Improba besides Xavier and Jesse's old friends, his pain and suffering was lowered to a refreshing, odd new level.

It was as if Jesse had been held under water all this time and finally, finally, he was allowed to breathe.

And thanks to Xavier, there was a slight spark, growing within Jesse's chest. A glimmer of hope that struggled against the darkness, refusing to be snuffed out.

It was weak, stuttering under the overwhelming pressure. But still it illuminated the darkness.

Jesse noticed the slightly curious look that overtook Xavier's features, making him realize that he was in fact staring at the Improba. He instantly lowered his head, confused by his own actions.

He took a sip of his tea, nose curling as it wasn't the jasmine he wanted, but plain, regular tea. The sound of chairs scraping over the floor made Jesse glance up before frowning when he saw Xavier head into the kitchen.

Looking at the man's empty plate and back down to his own filled one, Jesse sighed before forcing another bite in his mouth, knowing he needed to keep eating if he ever wanted to go back to his house.

Not that the Improba detained them if they were incapable of eating but Jesse knew the vampires were more than inclined to check up on those that hadn't finished their meal.

And while he didn't necessarily mind the visits, he didn't want to be a burden. Certainly these doctors and specialists were busy with patients who needed their help more than Jesse.

Wasting all of their time and effort simply because he was playing with his food, wasn't something Jessy wanted to do.

He blinked in surprise, hand stilling on his meal when a mug of steaming tea was set before him. Jesse's nose already picked up the soft fragrance of the steeping Jasmine tea and felt his heart tug when he looked up.

Swallowing thickly, he struggled to find words to show his gratitude for this simple gesture. A gesture that showed Jesse was worth more to this people because Xavier went out of his way to get the young Pixie the tea he loved.

So when he looked up and was offered a dimpled smile, fang caught adorably on Xavier's lip, Jesse wanted to smile back, to whisper his thanks.

Instead, his lip wobbled uncontrollably, food and tea forgotten as big, fat tears welled from his eyes. He was beyond confused by the utter mess he became at being shown even a modicum of kindness.

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