Chapter 52 - Progress

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It was weird how life could change within the blink of an eye. Jesse had already experienced big changes in his life, events that shifted everything he'd ever known.

Most of them negative. Jarring his entire life in such a way, it would never be the same.

To experience it again but this time in a good way, was more than he could've hoped for.

Even though his mind still presented him with images of abuse, of the sensation of disgusting fingers digging into his skin... now there was a positive as well.

When Jesse felt Xavier's body heat seep through the man's clothes, it made him feel comforted and loved. The slight, gentle touches of the man made him shiver pleasantly.

And while the memories of his abuse lingered, slowly but surely Xavier was balancing them by providing good, pure memories.

Jesse sighed softly, leaning against Xavier's chest as the Improba was focusing on his paperwork. When he had approached his mate earlier, shyly wishing for a hug, Xavier had responded by pulling Jesse in his lap.

Enveloped in the man's warm embrace, Jesse now struggled to not fall asleep. Enjoying the warmth of their embrace and listening to his mate's heartbeat was extremely soothing.

A little shiver darted over his spine as Xavier hooked his chin over Jesse's shoulder. Pressing a gentle kiss against his bared skin that made the pixie smile and flush at the same time.

It was still weird, still new but he didn't dislike the gesture. It didn't sicken him to the core or made Jesse relive those awful memories.

In fact, lately a mere touch or gentle kiss from Xavier had managed to pull Jesse out of his nightmares. The warmth and comfort that Xavier offered him in those tiny gestures was more than Jesse could've hoped for.

His eyes flitted towards the paperwork, scanning over the building plans, project outlines and other stuff the compound was planning.

Jesse's finger tapped on a small mathematical error, making Xavier release a sigh before thanking his mate profusely. "I was wondering where the issue was in funding, that explains it." Xavier nuzzled against Jesse's skin, making him shiver visibly, much to the delight of his mate.

Even if Xavier never voiced his interest, each time he had managed to soothe Jesse or made him squirm, it had always been answered by one simple gesture.

A smile hidden against Jesse's skin.

It was progress, albeit small. To be able to accept this gesture, to feel without fear...

Jesse squirmed away when Xavier's stubble rasped over his sensitive skin, drawing the Improba's attention. The low, steady rumble of amusement turned into a bark of laughter when Jesse squeaked and backed away from the tickling sensation.

"Didn't know you were that ticklish darling." Xavier murmured softly as his fingers crept to Jesse's sides. Jesse inhaled sharply before cackling as he was tickled to the point he could hardly breathe and even then, Xavier would barely give him a moment of reprieve before aiming for his sides again.

His wild flailing even knocked some of the paperwork off the desk but neither of them paid attention to such an insignificant detail. Kicking and flailing, flopping over to the floor before Xavier caught him again and tickled him with a giant grin on his own face.

It was only when they were both panting and Jesse groaned in soreness that Xavier finally had mercy on him.

"You have a gorgeous laugh." Xavier admitted, making Jesse's flush brighten even further, panting as he laid on the floor. "It's very addictive and makes you laugh along with it."

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