Chapter 21 - Voices and Whispers

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Pain wormed in his heart as it clenched each time Jesse remembered his mate. The ice cold grip around his heart twisted and turned, threatening to rip the vital organ apart with each throb that pulsed through it.

There was despair as well. What would James think of him now? All his life, Jesse had pushed aside suitors and people whom were interested in him. He had denied himself the pleasure of a warm touch and a body in his bed.

"And now look at you. Don't even know how many men fucked you, do you? You filthy whore."

Jesse cringed, sniffing and pushing his forehead firmer against his knees. Draco's voice was clear in his mind and had been for the past few days. First they started out as whispers and murmurs but soon they overwhelmed his mind and threatened to send him spiraling down into an endless abyss.

"Poor Jesse. Whatever would James think of you if he saw you now? But it doesn't matter, does it? Your Beloved died. Because of you."

This is all your fault.

He whined, gripping at his head and pulling at the greasy strands of his hair. Physical pain webbed through his head before fingers gently grasped his wrists.

Instantly, a storm of emotions and memories was hurled at his mind and Jesse vaguely heard the sharp crackle of thunder outside, along with hail rattling against the roof as if someone was firing an automatic gun at him.


His nails clawed over skin as Jesse lashed out, shrieking when he was held, gently yet firmly. He tossed his head back, trying to catch the person behind him off guard and he succeeded. His skull cracked painfully against their nose, and Jesse heard a curse as he scrambled off the bed and out of the room. His eyes caught a glimpse of Lucca, who was holding his profusely bleeding nose with a pained expression.

"That's right, you don't deserve their help. You need to be punished...why don't you run away from there? Nobody wants you, nobody needs you there. Everyone is disgusted with you."

Jesse cried as he stumbled through the hallway, spotting a few guards at the door whom quickly moved to block the exit, but they made no effort to attempt to physically detain Jesse.

"See? I am the only one who'll ever want you. You. Are. MINE."

Soft moss touched the soles of his feet, making him pause underneath the trees and take a deep breath. He stumbled forwards, tripped and wrapped his arms around a tree for support.

A soft, melodical chuckle sounded, almost teasing yet wistful before slender arms wrapped around him in return. Yet Jesse's skin didn't crawl with disgust when their twig like fingers brushed tenderly through his hair and lips pressed against his hair, ignoring their greasy quality.

"There, there. Hush now, little one."

Jesse squinted his eyes shut, shivering and feeling the weather respond as his magic sparked out of control. His toes curled in the mud as lightning sparked, zipping through the sky in a violent display, breaking up the clouds to release a torrent of rain.

Wood groaned softly as the Dryad moved and tenderly brushed her morphed fingers against his temples with a frown. "Be gone, foul beast." She muttered, fingertips glowing a vibrant green before Jesse felt as if something was physically yanked out of his head along with a roar of frustration echoing in his mind.

And suddenly, a vision filled his mind, sharp and clear as if he was seeing it himself.

The Leshen was charging through the woods, hunting for its next quarry when it froze. Its flanks rose and fell, tendrils of mist thickening in front of its face before it slowly turned. Blood of its prey had dried up against its antlers and the moonlight casted an eerie light on the beast.

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