Chapter 11 - Mine

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Goosebumps littered Jesse's bare skin as he laid in bed, eyes staring at the wall ahead. Behind him, Draco was stroking his skin, amused by the amount of disgust and fear that rolled off of the pixie whenever he was touched.

The improba had kept him occupied throughout the day and night, barely giving Jesse any moment of respite. Robbie had been in the room twice already, when Draco took it too far and Jesse had to be healed.

But no matter how badly Jesse wanted to move away, he couldn't. Not because Draco was physically restraining him but simply because he knew that any wrong move would end up with Draco showing Jesse just where he belonged.

Underneath the vampire, preferably screaming in agony.

He cringed when hot breath fanned over his throat before Draco's fangs sank in without remorse. The vampire drank quickly, making small sounds of delight with each gulp of blood he took from Jesse. The sound of the trapdoor opening made Draco yank back with a snarl, blood dripping from his lips.

"What do you want?!" He barked out at the man that came down the stairs. Jesse barely glanced at him, recognizing him as one of the Improba who had already forced themselves multiple times on Jesse.

"Apologies Draco but one of our clients are insisting on having your pet for the night and will pay double." Draco scowled, sitting up in bed while using his thumb to wipe away any excess blood before sucking it clean.



Jesse cringed at the idea. The sadistic vampire loved to choke him to near death and had been one of his regulars, becoming more and more aggressive after each rut. Worse was that the man seemed to be unable to stop from draining Jesse of every drop of blood in his body.

The last time Eldo had him, he would've died if it wasn't for Robbie going out of his way to alert Draco of the danger. The improba had yanked Eldo off of Jesse and allowed Robbie to heal the pixie before they both left the room, allowing Eldo to continue where he left off.

Beside him, Draco barked out a laugh while pushing himself out of the bed, yanking on a pair of pants. "Eldo doesn't have any more money left. He already loaned a great deal from his parents to deal with his habits. He can't afford my pet."

The other improba nodded, sending Jesse a hungry look before making his way up the stairs. Jesse slowly pushed himself out of bed, disgust and hatred burning in his stomach with bile threatening to spill from his lips.

"Get showered, dressed and head to the Feeders. Your allure is making our clients even more generous with their coin than normal." Draco smirked before kicking Jesse towards the door as the pixie passed.

He yelped before quickly scurrying up the stairs and headed for the showers. Jesse longed for the hot water, eager to wash away Draco's touch and filth. The showers were nearly empty, a few girls washing up in the corner.

They shot him a wary glance and a hesitant smile before minding their own business, especially when they noticed all the markings on his body. Draco hadn't held back at all, most likely angered by Serena's actions and hatred towards Jesse.

Jesse blinked as he realized he hadn't seen her after she was dragged off by the Twins. Neither had he sensed their dark and twisted presence in his surroundings. His stomach churned as all the possibilities of what could've happened played through his mind before he shook his head.

He couldn't wonder what had happened to her. It would only make him more nervous and fearful than he was. Scrubbing his skin until it gleamed pink and burned slightly, he went to the small pile of clothes in the drawers and got dressed.

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