Chapter 53 - Family

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Asking Sophie for advice proved far more difficult than Jesse could've ever imagined.

Not only was Jesse unable to even formulate the question, he had no idea how to even start that line of questioning. After all, they all shared the same fate in one way or another.

All of them were Deprived. All of them had lost their mates and had been forever changed. Used by all kinds of monsters who didn't care about anything but themselves.

So to ask questions about how to initiate sex with your partner, consensual sex, might throw her into unwanted memories.

Just the very thought of it had Jesse shiver as his mind could only come up with memories of his torment. Memories where he had been taken against his will and used like a cheap whore.

So Jesse just sat there, enjoying Sophie's baked snacks while trying to figure out a way to ask his question. Preferably without triggering anyone.

He had spent several days coming over and trying to find the words before leaving without breaching the topic. Honestly, Jesse feared he'd never be able to even ask Sophie about it.

The young pixie truly wanted to go further with his relationship, but he didn't know how. The furthest he ever went consensually, was some simple kisses and snuggling with both his Fated and Choice mate.

His eyes flitted towards his fellow Deprived, a smile on her face as she followed a new recipe. Looking the epitome of joy, carefree as she smiled warmly at anyone praising her cooking.

Jesse sighed to himself. The more he thought about it, the less he wanted to ask anyone about his issues.

Especially because he didn't want to rub his Choice mate in their faces. Jesse might've been lucky enough to find someone he could trust and fall for again, but the same couldn't be said about the others.

So he simply smiled, his eagerness and joy not faked at all when Anna walked from the back of the house. Noses tilted in the air and murmurs of appreciation echoed along the room at the sight and smell of another pizza being placed in the oven.

When everyone offered her praises, Anna simply smiled but remained silent, nodding towards the other Deprived. As Anna started working on more sauces and pizzas, Jesse caught a glimpse of her throat.

Even with the soft scarf Anna kept around herself at all times, there was still a glimpse of the thick scarring riddling the soft flesh of her throat.

Jesse knew very little of what happened, but the small details he had come to find out were gruesome. Anna had been kidnapped with a few other Deprived but she had actually managed to stage a revolt and escaped.

By utilizing her Siren's charming voice, she had lulled the Improba into a slumber and allowed most of her group to escape.

Sadly enough, one of the monsters that had originally captured her, was immune to her Siren's calling and caught her off guard before Anna could flee.

Jesse's eyes flitted away from her throat, a shiver darting over his spine. He remembered what Anna had written down as a response when someone asked what had happened.


The Deprived knew what that entailed. After all, the Improba wouldn't have paraded one of their captives down to the hospital to get a cruel procedure done and announce who they were.

No. They would've done it themselves. And judging by her scars, in the most gruesome way possible. A warning to anyone who didn't manage to escape and those who would come after Anna.

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