Chapter 39 - Blood's Calling

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There was a stiffness in Xavier's shoulders that Jesse hadn't seen before. Even though he...his new mate, his Chosen, was smiling and acting like nothing was wrong, Jesse could sense something was off.

It had been a few days since their discovery of their bond, the acceptance that, while they no longer had a connection with their former mate, there was something new.

Something to be nurtured and protected.

Sighing, Jesse slightly moved his head, listening to the slow but steady thumps against his ear. Rhythmic in- and exhales rocked the Fae back and forth in a soothing pattern that nearly sent him to sleep.

Xavier had been coming over every day, spending most of his time with Jesse unless he was needed elsewhere. On the very few occasions where that happened, the Improba had always rushed to return to Jesse's side.

And he was grateful for that. The young man was too anxious to say it out loud, but the presence of the Improba calmed him down greatly.

So much that it had gotten to a point that whenever Xavier left, Jesse was struggling to maintain his composure.

The second the door closed behind Xavier when he was called away, it felt as if the house suddenly shrank, walls bearing down on Jesse. He didn't know if it was mere instincts or a physical and mental reaction thanks to the trauma dealt by his previous masters.

He shivered, letting out a stuttering breath as Xavier gently shushed Jesse. Fingers tracing from where they rested on his lower back, gently tracing over Jesse's spine before giving a soft but reassuring squeeze to his nape.

A silent reassurance that laid within such a simple gesture.

'I'm here..."

Shivering once more, Jesse merely curled up against Xavier's chest, knowing that the man was keeping a close eye on his mental state.

A mental state that much resembled a sinking ship. Still floating, just barely. It was as if Jesse's mind was his own enemy, presenting unprompted and unwanted images at the least opportune time.

Even now, with no sound but the slightly sluggish heartbeat and the steady breathing underneath his ear, Jesse's attention was drawn inwards.

"Why is your heart so slow?"

He squeezed his eyes shut, eyes stinging with unshed tears, throat aching as he swallowed thickly. Jesse swore he could almost feel the ghost of James' laughter as they had been in a similar position like this, with Jesse's ear resting on top of his Beloved's heart.

James laughter shook against his ears, causing Jesse to pull back with a frown. It was a simple but honest question! He had focused on James heartbeat, thinking his mate was falling asleep but was stunned when his fingers kept gently playing with his long hair.

"It's nothing to worry about, my soul." James smiled, fingers sinking gently into Jesse's hair to scratch at his scalp. The young man knew he enjoyed the soft scratching as much as James enjoyed the satiny sensation of Jesse's hair running through his fingers.

Pouting, Jesse rolled himself in a more comfortable position, arms crossing underneath his chin as he huffed. "Well, it is making me worried."

James smiled gently, leaning down to press a gentle kiss on Jesse's forehead. "All vampires have lower than average heartrates. When freshly fed, it is indistinguishable of any living organism."

The vampire's expression grew slightly uneasy as Jesse's frown deepened, eyes dipping to where James dryly swallowed, hiding his discomfort behind a smile.

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