Chapter 7 - Worst nightmare

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The sound of the trapdoor slamming shut vibrated through the room, jarring Jesse from his restless slumber. He didn't move a muscle though, couldn't move even if he wanted too. Tears silently streamed down his cheeks as he swallowed painfully, feeling his throat protest against the motion.

Flicking his tongue over his swollen lip hurt, as it irritated several of the cuts and puncture wounds that riddled the red flesh. His jaw ached too much to move and Jesse was honestly too afraid to move a single muscle.

He'd never felt as much pain in his life as he did at that moment. His body felt as if it had been torn apart, unable to move from its fetal position. Ever so slowly, Jesse was able to pry open one eye, as the other was swollen shut from the beating he'd received.

Whimpering in pain, his body throbbed with a painful reminder of what happened last night. The twin Demons that joined Draco last night had used their fists, magic and entire body to remind Jesse that he was nothing but a toy. Expendable and easy to be broken.

They had forced him all night and most of the day, not caring for screams of pain nor his pleas for Mercy. Draco had simply sat back and watched as both twins forced themselves upon Jesse at the same time. Jesse could already tell that several bones in his body were broken, his mind hazy from the blood loss and his spirits completely shattered.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs before he detected a hint of red from the corner of his eyes. Robbie looked down at him with sadness and pity, reaching out a gentle hand to start the healing process. The bruises littering his body faded and Jesse was able to blink, this time using both eyes.

"I'm sorry Jesse. I've been ordered to heal the bruises and just enough to not cause permanent damage." Robbie muttered softly, pulling at the sheets that were draped over Jesse's body. He paused and flinched when Jesse cried out before paling at the amount of blood that covered Jesse's thighs.

A sob chocked in Jesse's chest as he felt blood draining from his reopened wounds and could just imagine the mess Robbie saw. He nearly cried out when fingers touched his inner thigh, careful of the black bruise that marred his pale skin.

The Demons didn't give a damn about his dislocated hips and left him to suffer after they were done with him. The Kitsune did his best to heal the damage to his body but Jesse could already see that it was taking its toll on the man.

"Please, I know you don't want anything to do with these vampires, but you need to obey their commands. Disobeying them will only make you wish for death." Robbie whispered, moving his hands to heal most of the lacerations and swelling of Jesse's entrance.

Jesse didn't respond. Why should he? He could feel himself still covered in grime, a mix of blood, sweat and dried cum that tainted his skin and reminded him of everything that had happened. To these vampires, he was nothing more than a toy, a plaything and food source rolled into one being.

Suddenly Robbie was torn away from the bed and tossed clear across the room before a sated Draco smirked down at Jesse. "Is he ready?" He asked, eyes lazily flicking to Robbie and smirking when he saw the Kitsune shake in his boots. Draco didn't wait for a reply, instead chose to yank Jesse off of the bed at his leg.

The pixie cried out in pain as his wounds protested sharply but he didn't struggle. Fear had an iron grip around his heart as memories of his last punishment resurfaced, beating his spirit in obedience and forcing him to submit.

Draco smirked when the pixie didn't lash and kick, instead closed his eyes and whimpered. The vampire smirked and leaned over Jesse to lick at the tears running down his face. " You're lucky last night sated me, doll." He murmured before yanking Jesse off of the bed and onto his wobbly feet.

"Get!" Draco snapped at Robbie, causing the Kitsune to flee up the stairs with frightened whimpers. Jesse bit back a whimper himself as he was shoved towards the stairs, nearly falling into the stone before he managed to straighten himself up.

When he took the first step, Jesse just knew this was all part of the punishment as well; Robbie might've been able to heal most of the severe cuts and lacerations but he didn't had the time to take away the pain and swelling of Jesse's abused rectum. Each step he took was one too many as pain webbed up his back and down his legs, making his whole body tremble.

When he tripped on the stairs, Draco didn't miss a beat and kept walking, only dipping down to snag Jesse's hair in his fingers and continued to drag the boy all the way up and towards a giant dining room. It was only when they reached the table that Draco released the boy.

Jesse could feel all eyes on him both predatorial and compassionate. He was too scared to lift his gaze and look at people watching him but when he heard a throat clear above him he knew he had to.

The second he did, he had a hard time keeping the disgust and fear of his expression. Draco had dropped him right in front of the Twins' feet. They both smirked down at him, their eyes grazing over his body. Jesse shivered but could do nothing but wait on a baited breath as one of the men reached over and hoisted him up in his lap.

He smirked when Jesse flinched as a hand petted through his hair. "Don't be like that sweetness," the man cooed, "didn't we have a good time last night?" A bark of laughter escaped his lips, obviously delighted in Jessie's pain.

The pixie ignored his words and slightly lifted his gaze from his lap. Several shy glances were thrown at him and he felt his stomach churn when he realized how many people were being trapped down here. Demons, vampires and even a few Incubi and Succubae were lazing around.

Jesse could tell from the hunger in their eyes that they were part of his captors. He could spot a few witches, a gagged werewolf, several sirens and what seemed to be a small group of Shapeshifters. All of them had the same tortured expression; the shame and pain clear in their eyes.

Eleven people. That's how many Jesse could count from the small glance he threw around the area. Men and women who, just like him, have lost their soulmate. Their sole reason of existence gone forever and taken away simply because of the greed of a select few.

His heart throbbed in pain at the reminder of his mate and tears filled his eyes when he was overwhelmed by the longing he felt. James...

Chuckles sounded in the room as the creatures around him were obviously delighted by the new bloods reaction. They fed on his pain, despair and tears before moving on to the next victim. "You all have 20 minutes to eat and relax. In one hour our clients will be here so you better get ready."

Jesse squirmed as he felt the vile touch of lips against his cheek before he was dropped painfully in the seat. He blinked in confusion when most of the creatures cleared out the room, only leaving behind the people that were just like him.

Looking around he saw most of them starting to eat, their eyes flashing towards the doorway as if any moment one of those monsters could pop up and snatch one of them away from the table. Feeling a poke in his arm, Jesse turned to the right and blinked at the nervous Siren that was looking at him.

"Eat up, like Draco said ; we won't have any time left the soon as the clients start pouring in." The woman spoke with a soft voice. Jesse didn't really understand what she meant with clients but it must've been obvious on his face because she sighed tiredly and nodded to herself.

"These monsters aren't the only ones who will feed from us. Every night those doors will open," she said while pointing towards the large metal double doors at the end of the room. "People just like them will start pouring in and pay Draco and his cronies a lot of coin to take us back to our room and do whatever they want."

Bile churned in Jesse's stomach, threatening to overflow and pour whatever contents of his stomach over the floor. He had thought that being abducted and forced by these beings was bad enough but now he just realized the extent of his painful future.

They wouldn't just force him, torture him and destroy him...they would also make a profit out of it. The Siren next to him smiled sadly and pointed to the food, telling him that this was the only time they would get to eat until late in the next afternoon.

Despite knowing that he couldn't get a single bite of food in his mouth. And as he saw Draco move towards the doors to unlock them, all he could do was to cover his face and tremble in fear. This fate was turning out to be his worst nightmare.

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