Chapter 47 - Sugar and Spice

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Doing something most people considered mundane, was still one hell of a task for him. Yet it also gave Jesse back a sense of comfort, letting his eyes flit over the numbers while his pen flew over the paper.

Several of the compound's small businesses had been more than willing to accept a helping hand with accounting. Each store had their own unique rules, tax reports and bylaws that needed to be followed.

As Jesse looked up the specific rules per company, the numbers, codes and calculations helped mute the insistent voices in his head.

Allowing him to finally focus on something else and feel normal once more.

A mug of hot tea was placed within reach but well away from the papers strewn across the desk. Murmuring his appreciation, Jesse took a quick sip of the steaming liquid, jotting down the bakery's expenses before pausing for a moment.

Xavier met him with a warm smile, a small box filled with baked goods dangling from his finger by a delicate ribbon.

"A gift of appreciation. Sophie was more than elated knowing she didn't need to hire an accounted or deal with the dreaded math to run her business."

The Improba couldn't stop his laugh as Jesse quickly cleared up his desk to make room for the impromptu treat. "Plus, she absolutely loves that she can use her experimental bakes as a payment, while getting constructive feedback in return."

Jesse merely hummed while unwrapping the box. After all, he had already pointed out his reasoning behind the unusual payment.

What was he going to do with money at the compound? There was nothing for him to buy, nor any store to wander to if the mood would strike him.

Xavier had made note of the idea, thinking of actually building a fully functioning community here. A settlement just for Deprived and their families, where they could have a relatively normal life. Away from prying eyes that might target any perceived weakness.

There already was a small store at the compound, but it was more a warehouse than actual store. All the Deprived needed, was to go up there and ask for what they wanted and walk back home.

With Xavier's new idea, they would make a gated and heavily secured community. Mimicking the rest of the world while keeping the Deprived safe.

Jesse's eyes widened at the two cupcakes he revealed, feeling a child-like sense of awe and joy spark to life.

A red velvet cupcake with white chocolate buttercream, along with a peppermint chocolate cupcake, waiting to be devoured.

He was giddy to sample them both and went to take a bite, before realizing that would leave Xavier with nothing.

"Wanna see a neat trick for cupcakes with frostings?" Xavier asked before reaching for the red velvet one when Jesse nodded. The pixie was stunned when Xavier neatly tore the bottom off the cupcake and proceeded to sandwich the frosting between the two halves.

Xavier handed him back the cupcake. "Less of a mess when biting into this." He smiled, licking a hint of cream from his thumb. Jesse smiled, remembering all too well how he usually looked like after eating a frosted cupcake.

With more frosting on his nose and lips than in his mouth.

Taking a bite, he hummed contently at the flavors that burst to life on his tongue. A slight flush tainting his cheeks when he proffered the remaining half to Xavier.

Who eagerly took the bite, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing. "Sweet. But not as sweet as you, darling." The improba teased before proceeding to short-circuit Jesse's brain by pressing a kiss to his forehead.

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