Chapter 5 - All is lost

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From here on out, the story will take a brutal turn and people will get triggered. Check the tags of this story, as it is tagged for physical abuse, drug abuse, sexual abuse and mental abuse.

You have been warned.


His consciousness slowly returned to Jesse, bit by bit. He could feel the soft silk covers resting on his bare legs, the pillow soft underneath his cheek and silence filling the room. As he was waking up, his mind was having a hard time trying to remember what had happened.

Nobody else was in the room, that much he could sense so Jesse wondered why James wasn't with him this morning. Stretching slightly, he groaned as his muscles contracted and protested sharply against the movement.

Did James and I...

He couldn't recall. His mind was oddly blank, void from anything that happened last night. How embarrassing that he couldn't even recall his own mating.

Smiling, he slowly started to grow more and more conscious until he snapped up in the bed with a gasp, eyes searching the room while his memory was bombarded with horrific flashes.

The perfect breakfast and date...the Improba that stopped them...the look in James' eyes as he was forced to reject Jesse, the disgusting sound of James' neck snapping, blood spewing everywhere as the female Improba allowed the head to roll out of her hand with a moist thud.

Sobs wrecked through Jesse's body as his mind slowly processed the impossible; his mate was dead. Murdered. And he was rejected, kidnapped by the very monsters that murdered James in cold blood.

Panic flared through his senses as he looked around the unfamiliar room, but he didn't spot anything that could help him out. Besides the bed he was resting on, the only furniture in the room was a medium sized dining table made of dark wood and a few chairs.

There were no doors leading elsewhere, no windows that promised him the hope of escape. As he spun around in bed, pulling the covers up and draping them over his body when he realized he was naked, his eyes caught sight of the corner of a staircase.

Keeping his ears perked, he quietly tiptoed towards the stairs, fear thudding in Jesse's heart as he looked at the massive trapdoor that loomed overhead. Brushing his fingertips together to create both heat and magic, he closed his eyes and focused on the door above.

Yet, as soon as his magic made contact, he yelped as dark magic instantly latched onto his, shocking him in the process. His whole body quivered in pain as he fought back the tendrils that dug in his skin and made his magic useless, until he could barely produce a spark without having a nosebleed.

His legs trembled and he had to hold onto one of the pillars of the bed to remain standing. Fear slowly started to creep in his veins as his eyes noticed ceiling high mirrors covering the walls, and even mirrors placed on the ceiling.

Dread filled his stomach as he clutched the covers a bit tighter to himself, worrying about what would happen. There was no way out of this room except for that trapdoor. Closing his eyes once more, Jesse hesitantly let his magic out, pushing against the cool brick walls that surrounded him.

He hoped for a secret passage way, a weakness to push through but his hope slowly dwindled away and died when he realized he was trapped in a virtually impossible to escape prison. Blood trickled from his nose and Jesse gasped, feeling weak and faint.

A longing was pulling in his gut, the need to be near his mate, yet he knew James

Tears slipped down his cheek as he squeezed his nose, trying to stop the bleeding as he tried to come up why he felt this way. Usually his magic was powerful enough to break a barrier, even if it was made by dark magic. But now he felt weak, unstable, like a foal that was tossed on too long and wobbly legs to walk on.

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