Chapter 38 - Bonding

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He slowly woke, feeling fully rested. As Jesse blinked the haze away and stretched languidly, he realized this had been one of the first nights where he hadn't jolted awake screaming his late mate's name.

It felt so...weird. Each evening, he pushed his bed time as far as he could, already anticipating the flashes of his past, the abuse and torment that still marked him.

The reminder that James had been murdered in front of his very nose, all to alter the taste of his blood, still weighted down on Jesse's shoulders.

If only he hadn't drawn the attention of the Improba... had been bland, boring even. But the young pixie had always stood out, an equal gift and curse of his bloodlines.

Everyone around him could tell Jesse was more than just the average pixie. They couldn't lay their finger on it but their instincts knew that Jesse held Elven blood.

And according to Sylvar, an Elven Deprived was unheard of. Jesse was the first case and even then he was only half-elven. But his treatment at the hands of the Improba was an abominable act in the eyes of the Elves.

The elves were all drawn to Jesse, wanting to sooth his pain, to wipe out the bad memories and make new, pleasant ones. Each time the boy drew away from them, they backed away with understanding and kindness in their expression.

But their eyes spoke of the soul deep agony that hid within. The spark of rage that burned within the elves like an uncontrollable inferno.

"While we look composed, elves are highly emotional creatures." Sylvar had explained a few days ago when Jesse had managed to stutter out the question to his father. The man seemed eager to converse with his son, giving the boy his full attention as he continued.

"When we feel sadness, our entire soul break in agony. Our anger can rival the rage of a territorial dragon that is guarding its precious eggs." He sighed, rubbing over his face. "But, we've learned to reign in our emotions. Practiced self-control in order to prevent harm to others."

Jesse shivered just at the reminder of volatile emotions. After all, Improba didn't care to reign in their emotions; they let them run rampant.

Too often had he been the victim of someone's frustration, anger or lust.

Though it felt incredibly relieving to hear that Jesse wouldn't be at risk with the elves. At least not with the adult ones.

Though Jesse didn't know if he had any knowledge of Elven children. In fact, he hadn't encountered any even though he had seen plenty of males and females roaming around.

A spark of curiosity spiked and lingered underneath his skin. Normally his old, former self would've instantly prodded and pried, searching for answers until his curiosity was sated.

Now, Jesse was too afraid to even think of the possibility of prying into someone else's business. To think that he had the right to even ask something that had no purpose.

But the soft, tender look in his father's eyes told more than words could. That Jesse had the right, any right, to ask whatever came up in his mind.

His heart had stuttered in his chest, fear biting at his mind as he steeled his nerves before nervously whispering the question.

Sylvar had blinked before smiling reassuringly. "You're not prying at all son. Elves are not as fertile species due to our false immortality. If we had children as the same rate as mortals, we'd overcrowd the world and destroy the very woods we adore."

Sitting up in his bed, Jesse slowly scratched through his hair before flinching, pulling a face at the greasy sensation left on his hands.

Time for a bath...

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