Chapter 25 - Recovery

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He was all too aware of his surroundings when he woke. As he stayed motionless, Jesse could hear the soft growls and huffs of wolves all around him, could even feel the heat of their breath and fur brushing against his skin.

But that was fine. Wolves were animals. They didn't rape. Jesse could stand their touch, knowing the most they could do, was kill him.

And honestly, he now considered that to be a blessing.

Fingers curling underneath him, Jesse sighed as his rough pillow huffed and curled tighter around him. The pixie nuzzled against the warm pelt, sighing as he blinked without true focus.

He was awake and aware, yes, but he didn't want to be. He wanted to sleep, to dream of his mate and stay far, far away from the cruel reality that was his life.

A caw sounded before he felt a pinch at his hair. Grumbling, Jesse rolled his head backwards to look at the crow with a scowl. The black bird blinked with its beady eyes, head tilting as it looked down at Jesse before teasingly pulling at his hair once more.

Puffing up his cheeks, Jesse blew an exasperated breath towards the crow, making the bird flap its wings on a protesting caw before ruffling through its mused feathers.

A warm weight settled on his belly, making Jesse reach out to gently pet through the fur of the contently growling wolf. He gently cupped the wolf's ears in the palms of his hand, tracing the soft fur and smiling tiredly when the animal leaned into the touch, all but arching into the petting.

A soft cough a few inches away made all the nerves in Jesse's body become fully aware of everyone around him. A pulse of his magic thumped through the forest soil, giving him a picture perfect sense of who was around him.

He only didn't know why. Why were there so many elves around him? Even a few curious dryads were lingering further into the woods, perking up when they sensed his magic making contact with their own.

The second they reached out, attempting to warmly wrap their magic around his and make a connection, Jesse retreated back into his body.

The strong, earthy magic that cradled him was familiar, feral and far too strong for any outsider to even make an attempt to reach him.

Blinking upwards, Jesse felt a faint smile tug at his lips, his gaze locking with the hollow sockets of the Leshen. Somewhere deep in his mind, he realized how ironic it was to find comfort and security in his current predicament.

To be stretched out in the lap of a Leshen, a creature most people wouldn't survive the encounter long enough to tell the tale. And yet here he was, resembling more a small kitten curled in the lap of a giant.

Still, there wasn't a hint of maliciousness coming off of the creature, instead more of a warm fuzzy feeling. Like a cat that had stretched out in the sun to soak up the day's heat. A tad too warm but yet, just perfect enough to not want to move away.

The Leshen huffed, breath ruffling Jesse's hair as the crow, it's crow, flew up into the air. Jesse's eyes followed its path before he blinked, glancing at the wolves all around him.

Happy, contently growling wolves. All curled up around him, intertwined with their pack and bulging stomachs a clear visual reminder that they had just made a kill. Fuzzy ears flicked at the slightest noise, a sleepy eyelid trembling at the effort to pry open, only to slide shut when there was nothing to alert the pack of danger.

And further out, beyond the protective circle stretched around the pixie, were a cluster of guards and elves.

All elves were gazing intently at him with curiosity and awe as they stared at the wolves and Leshen holding one of their own in safekeeping. Sadness and raw, bone-deep anger when they looked at Jesse or rather, what has become of the poor boy.

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