Chapter 37 - Sylvar

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"So, you're telling me that, not only has there been a bond growing between you two," Sylvar motioned between Xavier and his son with a pointed look to the former, "But that you've felt this from before I arrived at the compound?"

Xavier nodded, clearly seeing the frustration and repressed anger within those emerald eyes. He didn't blame the elf for either emotion.

After all, Jesse had come to accept Sylvar and was slowly opening up to the man. But a bond wasn't made overnight and the man's lacking presence in Jesse's life had left a significant mark on the pixie.

Yet Jesse didn't blame Sylvar in the least. But anyone with working eyes could tell that the boy was nervous.

So the fact that not only did Jesse trust Xavier, an Improba who's kind caused all the horror and torment to befall to Jesse, Jesse also picked to trust him over anyone else...

That had to sting.

It was one of the reasons why Xavier had dreaded this conversation with Sylvar. Until he had spotted the moving shape of the Leshen within the forest and realized that a far worse and one-sided argument may be happening in the future.

The mere sighting of the Leshen had Xavier spin on his heels in the search of the elf now before him!

Sylvar sighed once more, delicate fingers pressing against his brow. The wrinkles in his forehead deepened for a moment, emerald gaze darkening before it softened when he glanced at his slumbering son.

Reaching out, his fingers hovered over Jesse's relaxed hand, not touching the boy but allowing his magic to soothe away the simmering unease within.

After the revelation of their bond, Xavier had brought Jesse back to the safety of his own house before contacting Sylvar. If Jesse woke up, Xavier wanted him to be in a comfortable and trusted environment.

Sylvar sighed, long hair falling over his shoulders and framing his face as he leaned forwards. "I would be foolish to fight this development. Truly, it's a blessing in disguise but I fear the repercussions."

The elf remained silent for a moment, the sadness within his gaze profound before he looked up and met Xavier's eyes.

"If you hurt him in any shape or form, I will personally feed you to the Leshens." Sylvar vowed, the lethal glint in his eyes showing his seriousness.

And Xavier believed him, knew that the Leshens would have no qualms with utterly destroying the Improba if he ever did hurt the Deprived.

In fact, it would most likely find out before anyone else did and make an example out of Xavier.

"It's still going a lot of precious time." Xavier murmured in the silence, eyes following the soft rising of Jesse's breathing.

When Sylvar simply looked at him, Xavier continued, "I have no intention of being a replacement for James. The original bond can never be replaced and I want to give Jesse his time to mourn his mate."

The elf nodded at that, following Xavier out of the room. Leaving the bedroom door open on a crack, the pair slipped down towards the kitchen, sighing when they each had a warm beverage in front of them.

Sylvar seemed pensive, long and elegant fingers curled perfectly around the cup before he sighed. "I should've made sure nothing came of the short relationship between myself and Jesse's mother."

Xavier shook his head as he replied, "Nobody could've known that she would be one of the few to reject her child, simply because he wasn't produced from their mating."

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