Chapter 3 - Meant to be

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Another night and another day at work, yet somehow Jesse felt unsettled. His stomach kept churning, goosebumps littering his skin as he rubbed his arms in an attempt to relax. Ever since those improba had watched him like a lamb ready for slaughter, they hadn't shown up again.

And somehow, that was even worse than if they'd been here every single night. Not knowing where they were and if they'd come back, was way worse than having their lecherous gaze pinned on his body.

Taking in a deep, calming breath, Jesse glanced at the clock and smiled to himself when he realized his shift was almost up. Soon enough he'd be able to go home, have a warm meal and enjoy the comfort of his soft bed and a good book.

Especially his cup of Jasmin tea. God, he loved that stuff and could drink it by the bucketload. A clearing of a throat made Jesse look up and smile warmly at the customer. After a simple order of some easy to make snacks, he reclined on his seat and watched the crowd dance and go crazy on the music.

His eyes flittered towards a group of wolves, one set in particular who were dancing out of tune. They were pressed completely against one another, nose to nose and sharing the same breath. Their eyes locked onto one another, the smaller human wrapped protectively in the wolf's embrace as they slowly moved from side to side, ignoring the thumbing base overhead.

Ah...newly mated.

Jesse sighed with need, his heart clenching together wistfully at the thought of finding a mate. Those wolves sure were lucky, already having met their mate and enjoying the comfort of each other's arms. 

Looking back at the clock, he smiled and sighed in relief. "Less than two hours to go. I can do this." He barely thought the words before he heard a commotion further down the bar and groaned, rolling his eyes as he noticed a slightly blood-drunk vampire had come onto a mated human.

Even harmless flirting with a werewolf's mate was a huge taboo for the wolves, and they often reacted violently and with great force to be sure the message came across loud and clear.

Mine. Do not touch unless you wish to die.

"Well, guess I'll have to save him from the big, bad wolf." Jesse chuckled as he could see the wolf in question holding the squirming vampire against the bar, fists curled in the lapels of his jacket and shaking all over.

He was quick to make his way down the bar, fingers easily curling around the wolf's shaking wrist. The man's black eyes snapped to him, lip curling up to bare his teeth in a vicious snarl.

"Easy. There are humans in this establishment that do not know of our existence. Revealing us to them could end up in a wild witch-hunt spreading over the world. That also means endangering your own mate." Jesse could tell his reasoning was slowly penetrating the enraged wolf's mind, as the man shook his head and closed his eyes.

Jesse's eyes flitted towards the mate standing a few inches behind the man, and sent him a reassuring smile before motioning towards the man. Quick as the flash, the human was pressed against the wolf's back, hands rubbing soothingly over his wide chest and murmuring sweet nothings in his ear.

Within a few seconds, the wolf calmed down and relaxed in the human's hold, making Jesse grin widely before releasing the man from his magic. He turned his attention towards the vampire, who seemed to have sobered up rather quickly.

Or perhaps being choked out would sober anyone up in an instant.

"As you can see, this man is spoken for. Even if you were drunk, you should've realized their bond." Jesse spoke, gaining the vampire's attention as the man's pale grey eyes looked at him. 

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