Chapter 43 - Safety

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Time was such a weird concept. One moment it flowed effortlessly, barred by nothing, seeking out the next day.

Other moments, it seemed as if that quick rush, the never-ending flow of time was stopped. Becoming sluggish, thick, like honey that oozed slowly, dragging on until it became unbearable.

Jesse blinked, staring at the barely moving clouds in the sky. His cup of tea was hot against the palms of his hands, steam circling up in a hypnotizing pattern.

Xavier had went out earlier, forced to perform his job as leader of the Compound. Leaving reluctantly as Jesse had smiled hesitantly and nodded when Xavier had assured he was but a thought away.

Now, Jesse felt as if he was trapped in a bubble of time. Or rather lack thereof. The young Fey felt like he had sat there for several hours at least, but when he turned his glance to the ticking of the clock on the kitchen wall, he found that only ten minutes had passed.

He didn't quite know what to make of this. This...jittery feeling that sank into his bones, the restlessness that made him kick his foot to an unheard beat.

Raising the cup to his lips, he sipped from the steaming liquid, sighing contently as the hot fluids warmed him from the inside out.

I think... I'm bored...

Boredom wasn't something that he had felt since before his capture. In Draco's hands or being forced by one of his many clients, the last thing on Jesse's mind had been boredom.

Fear and disgust, yes, those emotions had been plentifully present. Hopelessness that bit at his heels, despair that eagerly devoured his heart and above all, the everlasting yearning to get back what was lost forever.

But now, thanks to the multiple therapeutic sessions he received, the proper care that was slowly but surely putting weight on his bones, Jesse had more time on his hands than before.

Time that he was quite unsure of how to utilize properly. His fingers drummed against the wooden table, eyes flitting through the empty street just outside the window before he sighed.

Knocking back the remainder of his tea, Jesse let out another drawn out sigh before pushing to his feet. Barefooted, he padded to the kitchen, rinsing out the cup and placing it to the side for later use.

Without any real thought, his feet took him upstairs before he found himself dressing for the weather outside. Donning a thicker shirt and soft knitted sweater. Tucking his shirt in the thick but stylish sweatpants that looked more like dress pants, Jesse, slowly made his way back to the front door.

With each step closer, his heart started racing faster and faster, skipping a beat as his fingers settled on the cold handle of his front door.

"Relax. I'm allowed outside. I'm allowed anywhere on the Compound. This isn't anything like back then."

However, his heart didn't react to the quiet reassurance. With a dry mouth and shaking fingers, Jesse slowly turned the handle, squinting his eyes shut as if anticipating a sudden slap to the face as soon as the door opened.

When nothing happened, he opened his eyes on a stuttered breath, shivering at the gentle breeze that flowed through the street.

Jesse's hair streamed through the wind, lashing behind him as he slowly closed and locked his front door before pocketing the key.

He followed the paved road, letting the wind pull and push at him with each step he took. Before he even realized it, Jesse had already reached the edge of the forest, a smile circling on his lips as a familiar set of hooves emerged from the darkness within.

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