Chapter 17 - Defiled

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Lucca didn't really know what to expect when he was guided in a room with a guard standing close by, eying him as if he was a threat. After finding out that Jesse had been kidnapped, that James, Jesse's newfound mate, was murdered...

The incubus shivered, dreading to hear whatever it was they had summoned him for. Hopefully they found Jesse, or at least a trail to his friend. After all, it had been weeks since police interrogated him, prying for any tidbit of information he could provide them with.

Lucca had cooperated, of course. He as well as everyone else of the club wanted to find Jesse and they all prayed the pixie was safe and unharmed. He let his eyes roam across the room, landing on several piles of files that spilled out besides a computer.

The man reading them often paused to make notes, and as he did, Lucca swore he could see the man growing paler with every word he read. Soon enough, the officer closed the file and averted his gaze, shivering with disgust before their eyes clashed.

He couldn't tell what the Hellhound was thinking, eyes narrowed as they flitted over Lucca's form. Lucca averted his gaze and looked around the room, stomach twisting and turning with worry. When the Hellhound grabbed a thick file and flicked through its contents before stopping at a page, Lucca frowned before feeling his stomach drop when the man looked back up.

"Lucca, Jesse's friend?"

Lucca nodded wordlessly, mouth dry as he struggled to swallow. A thought niggled in the back of his mind, realization that all those files were files about people... A hint of fear and nausea set in as he shoved aside the dread that threatened to overwhelm him.

"I'm Fabian, Head of Security in this facility and your guide until further notice." The Hellhound drawled as he flicked through the files, eyes flitting from left to right as a slight tremble started in his hands.

A twitch started in Lucca's leg, a sudden bout of nausea threatening to burn bile up his throat. He swallowed convulsively as Fabian sighed deeply, a low growl in his voice.

"What I'm about to tell you is sensitive information that is not going to leave this room." His glare told Lucca exactly what would happen to him if he let anything slip. Fabian shut the file with a deep sigh, rubbing his hands over his face.

"Ugh, I never know how to start this..." Fabian groaned softly before Lucca licked his lips and leaned forwards. "At least tell me if you know where Jesse is. Have you found him? Is he safe? Is he-"

Fabian held out his hand, pausing Lucca before he could get too worked up. "Jesse has indeed been found and is safely in our care, where we will monitor his health until he can go home." Lucca let out a shuddering sigh, sinking back in his seat as some of the fear melted out of his body.

Jesse was saved. Thank the gods, he was found and brought back. Lucca swallowed thickly, the relief almost making him feel lightheaded before a cold shiver ran down his body at the sight of Fabian's serious expression.

"Something else happened to him..." Lucca spoke softly, feeling bile burn his throat as Fabian nodded and pushed out of his seat, walking around the desk to lean against it.

"There's no way around this or some fancy way to make it sound better." He sighed, digging his nails into his own arms. "Jesse has been changed into a Deprived."


Lucca's eyes shimmered with tears before they spilled soundlessly over his cheeks. He didn't need to ask what horrors happened to Jesse, as he knew who had taken Jesse in the first place.

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