Chapter 26 - True Family

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Sad eyes followed every movement that the elves made. Jesse was confused, wondering why they remained, why the Leshen had interacted with that one Elven male.

He hugged his knees closer against his chest, warry of all the eyes on his form. Eyes flitting to the right, he glanced at the building in the distance, barely visible through the trees.

A slow blink later had Jesse pointing his attention towards a rustle in the distance. His stomach tilted and flopped as he spotted the familiar wolf strutting through the woods, seemingly ignoring the two guards that followed him.

Tristan barely gave pause to the presence of the elves, though his ears did twitch nervously at the presence of the Leshen, looming over the alert pack in the middle of the clearing.

Jesse closed his eyes as the Leshen snorted, creating a draft of wind against his cheek. The remainder of the elves kept an eye on the scene, as Tristan lowered his tail in a slow wag, letting it hand limply between his legs.

Some of the wolves got to their paws with a huff, nuzzling against Jesse's hair and ear, others heading closer to Tristan to investigate the wolf.

A series of low growls slipped from their muzzles, fur bristling with wary aggression as Tristan stood stock-still, allowing the wild wolves to take in his scent.

Worried murmurs sounded through the crowd as the Leshen heaved itself to its feet with a deep, wooden groan. Creaks and huffs rang through the clearing as it made its way towards Tristan.

Jesse watched tiredly as Tristan instantly lowered on his belly at the approach of the powerful forest guardian, turning on his back with a soft whine as his tail curled around one of his hind legs.

The Leshen huffed, clawed hand reaching out before pressing against Tristan's furred belly. Everyone held their breath as the Leshen inspected the werewolf, despite his passive form, gently brushing its claws over the thick scars crisscrossing over Tristan's form.

Tristan's ears never flickered up, pressed flat against his skull until the Leshen huffed and turned away from the werewolf, silently accepting it.

Slowly, almost hesitantly so, Tristan got back on his paws, shaking out his fur as the remaining wolves approached. A few moments later, the wolves were all dashing through the clearing, playfully chasing Tristan or getting chased by him.

Jesse's eyes followed the animals, the slightest frown crinkling the skin between his brows. To him it almost seemed alien to see the wolves play.

He was confused to see the wolves invite one another to play, roaming around without a care in the world. So free, joyful. Even when they caught up with one another, their teeth were tucked underneath their lips, avoiding to harm the other.

A vague memory tried to press it's way to the front of Jesse's mind then. Memories of lazy mornings, a breakfast in bed. Arms tight across his chest and a nose pressed against his throat. Teasing and laughter that rang hauntingly through the air and gorgeous eyes-


The boy wheezed in a breath, blinking through the sudden onslaught of tears. His lungs felt like they couldn't fill themselves quick enough with the oxygen he so desperately needed, panic webbing through his body as his gut cramped up.

And the need. The craving to be near his mate, the bone deep longing to have James hold him and never let go.

It was overwhelming Jesse, making him feel dizzy as he watched the darkening sky with lightning crackling through the dark blue clouds.


Lightning crisscrossed through the air before the ground shook from the explosion that rocked the entire forest, the thunder nearly damaging their eardrums as everyone ducked instinctively.

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