Chapter 31 - Sanctuary

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The Deprived were all gathered around, most wary of the large group of elves that were standing guard. It was odd how they were more wary from the elves, whom had kept themselves aside, than from the three Improba that had been seeing them on a daily basis.

Jesse didn't really care though. He didn't know what to feel about the gathering, only that he wanted to go in the woods and go back to the calm and quiet.

Even if the Deprived weren't making any sound themselves, beside some scared mewling whenever the elves got too close to comfort. And yet, with the soft muttering of the guards, the elves talking in their lilting tongue, it almost felt...


Jesse shivered, pulling his clothes closer around himself as he looked at his toes. Even the other Deprived were making him uncomfortable, eying him back with the same distant, worried look.

All of them wanted the same thing as him. To blend in with the surroundings. To forget.

To disappear.

A soft yet gentle touch against his hand made Jesse stiffen the slightest bit, looking up from the corner of his eye before he relaxed when he recognized his father.

Slowly, hesitantly, his hand relaxed, allowing to settle in his father's hand. Reluctant to close his hand around his fathers but allowed him to gently rub his thumb over his knuckles.

The touch sent shivers over his spine, memories of the past slowly creeping up and threatening to overwhelm him. A small, unwanted fragment of a memory snuck up on him, unintentionally shared with his father.

A memory of when he was smaller, perhaps six years old. A few months before his mother would meet her true mate. Back then, they had been walking home after she picked him up from school when thick storm clouds had gathered at the horizon.

Even though it didn't phase him anymore, back then, Jesse had been terrified of lightning, or rather the earsplitting rumbling that always followed.

But his mom had held a gentle hold of his hand, squeezing her fingers softly around his before using her thumbs to brush over his knuckles. A small, unspoken sign that meant so much.

Don't be afraid. I'm here for you. You're safe. Nothing will happen to you while I'm around.

Jesse had looked up to see her smile warmly, a kind look of understanding in her eyes before she pressed a finger to her lips. Leaning down, she whispered in his ears, "Personally I don't like all that racket either... how about we watch a movie tonight and have some pizza?"

It had instantly lit up his chubby face as Jesse grinned widely in response. How could he have known back then, that it was the last time his mother would be considered his mum?

The fingers around his hand tightened, snapping him out of his memory before he was gently pulled in a warm hug. Jesse's heart galloped away in fear, thundering in his ears as he fought with himself not to lash out.

It felt good though. But Jesse knew he didn't deserve to feel good. Whores that were the direct cause of their mates' death should be punished.

"None of that." A voice sounded beside him before a finger flicked against his forehead. Stunned, Jesse looked up whilst rubbing over the offended spot, looking straight into Joseph's eyes.

The Improba looked down with a stern yet understanding gaze as he crossed his arms. Actively ignoring the fact that the Leshen was slowly approaching, keeping a keen eye on him.

Instead of growing wary or afraid, the gesture only reminded Jesse about their past interactions. How Joseph had done this a few times to Jesse, especially when he was overthinking.

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