Chapter 14 - Release

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It wasn't hard to find. Hiding in plain sight, if only you knew where to look at. Honestly, the police felt disgusted that it was so painfully obvious but all this time, they had no idea.

Already the group had been thinned out before they even reached the Deprived, as it was very unlikely that Draco didn't have a mole in the police. How else could he evade detection so easily, unless someone on the force was diverting attention and covering up for the Inproba?

The commander smirked, scratching at his stubble. It had been delightful flushing out the rats on his team, to see their shocked expressions when they realized they had been tricked.

Oh, it had been mockingly easy. As soon as he suspected there was treason involved, he had let it slip to his men what the plan was. But, he had changed the story with every person he talked to.

When he had let it slip that the information of Draco's location and the list of Deprived was located in his house, his personal office at the station or even a file given to a trusted officer, the rats had scrambled to said locations to try and destroy the files.

Nothing awaited them of course, except for drawn guns and a nice set of handcuffs. The vermin would pay for their crimes, after they captured Draco.

It had taken more time than he liked to infiltrate some of his men into Draco's clientele. If he wanted his heist to succeed with all the Deprived saved and alive, Draco's henchmen in shackles and Draco himself preferably dead, they needed to have reinforcements on the inside.

A few of the demons and vampires in his team had volunteered, protected by spells to shield them from the Deprived's allure.  Flicking his eyes to the side, he smiled admiringly at the telepath that stood beside him.

The woman sent him a tired glare as she noticed his attention but didn't bother correcting him. They both knew she loved it. After all, the shining ring on her finger was an identical copy to his own, proving she believed he had some redeeming qualities.

Shaking the smirk off, he took a calm breath before whispering, "Are they ready?" His wife closed her eyes, whispering in thin air, inaudibly so before she shivered and nodded her head. Looking over his shoulder, he gave the signal to his men, pressing a kiss to his wife's forehead before rushing for the doors.

None of them expected what they found in those dungeons underneath the local hospital. Yes, Draco had bought off, more likely threatened the owners of the hospital, choosing to reside underneath a cesspool of pain and misery. 

After all, the pain and suffering of the humans only meant to wet the appetite of those who visited his dungeons willingly. As it was, the police flooded the scene, fighting off the slavers and blocking their powers.

Some were immune and tried to fight their way out. Blood slicked the floors as vampires flashed through the room, clawing and fighting with tooth and nail. While one task force fought the Inproba and Demons, another was set out specifically to withdraw the Deprived.

Each individual had learned the name, face and even scent of their charge. Once they located the Deprived, they would teleport them to safety. As he ran through the hallway, he witnessed many things that would haunt him for the rest of his existence.

A young werewolf, bloodied and scarred as he hung limply from his ties while his rapist was yanked off of him, police checking the wolf for a sign of life. The mutilated body of a siren tossed in the dark room of a dungeon that stank of demonic malice.

Shouts and screams assailed his ears, forcing him to rely on his magic to block out any attacks. He could feel his power pulsing through the place, locking any magical creatures and preventing them from teleporting, unless it were people from his own team.

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