Chapter 30 - The plan

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It was only a few days that both Serena and Elijah had arrived on the compound but they had worked wonders. Yet, there was still so much to do.

Xavier was grateful that there were other improba there to help him in his cause, to aid the Deprived in their healing process.

It had been a lucky side effect of having multiple Improba on the compound grounds. They had noticed after the first few days that, seeing gentle and friendly Improba other than Xavier, had started to desensitize the Deprived of other Improbas.

Had given them hope that their entire species wasn't composed of monstrosities. Each time one of the Deprived bumped into either Serena or Elijah, they had been showered in praises and smiles, gentle words to caress their ears instead of the demands and sneers they've come to expect.

Even with their busy schedule, they took the time to try and gently coax the Deprived out of their shells. But everything was done on the Deprived' terms. If they didn't wish to stay within the vicinity of the Improba, they were free to leave.

Naturally, the Deprived at first were very hesitant to do so. Eyes darting around the room, hunching down like a trapped cat that was trying to find a way out.

Footsteps resounded through the hallway, both Xavier and Serena looking up from their paperwork as the door opened up.

"Joe, you look absolutely haggard my dear. Please take a seat, before you faint on the spot." Serena urged, fanning Joseph over to one of the office chairs and nearly forcing the improba in it.

"Joseph, Serena. My mother didn't name me Joe." He stated tiredly before closing his eyes with a sigh. Xavier smiled at their exchange, a slight chuckle slipping from his lips.

The other improba shot him an equally amused look before Serena sighed and threw her hands in the air. "Ugh, men. You all need to stop being so emotionally constipated and let it out! I don't care about human opinions of overly emotional men."

Joseph snickered and remarked without opening his eyes, "Last time I showed my emotion, I had to fear for my life."

Serena let out a huff but Joseph had been truthful. His encounter with Jesse had been... very emotional, to say the least.

The improba had arrived a few hours after Serena and Elijah, slightly worn out from surgery, black and grey hair messy from his hands running through it.

"Where is he?" Joseph asked, barely managing to introduce himself to Xavier. The improba didn't mind as Serena shook her head, curls bouncing around. "Manners, Joseph, manners. And Jesse is right this way. Just... prepare yourself."

Joseph's grey eyes had frosted at the warning, a vein pulsing at his temple. And when his eyes first landed on Jesse, his expression was torn between soul-deep anguish and overwhelming hatred.

"Calm yourself- Joseph!" Serena had exclaimed as the man had shrugged out of her hold and stormed towards Jesse, overcome with emotion.

He didn't make it far though. He had made it about halfway before he was stopped in his tracks.

The Leshen heaved out a breath, snorting in Joseph's face as he held the Improba by the lapels of his jacket in a firm, inescapable hold.

Joseph's feet didn't even touch the ground as the Leshen heaved him up, roaring in Joseph's face as it tightened its hold ever so slowly.

And yet, Joseph hadn't even cared. He didn't care about the dangerous Leshen right in his face that was slowly starting to choke him, nor did he care about his friends shouting his name.

Joseph's tearful gaze was fixed solely on the desolate look in Jesse's eyes as the pixie shuffled closer. Reaching up, Jesse started to wordlessly lean on the Leshen's arms, causing the creature to slowly lower Joseph with a wooden groan.

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