Chapter 20 - A Dryad's warning

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Boots echoed over the tiled floors as Xavier made his way through the center. Slowly but surely, he had been introducing his presence to the Deprived in an attempt to acclimate them to having an Improba among them.

The first few encounters were horrible, to say the least. He clearly remembered the terrified shrieks of the Deprived as they backed away from him, even curling up in a trembling ball and arms wrapped around themselves in a feeble attempt to protect them.

It had taken a tremulous amount of persuasion for the Deprived to relax though Xavier knew he had an even longer way to go before they would trust him in any shape or form. After all, it was his kind that abused and tortured these people.

A soft squeak sounded to his right and before he could even glance over his shoulder, a door was slammed shut quickly. Xavier cringed, as he could definitely hear the panicked breaths and racing heartbeat just behind the door.

It pained him to cause his patients so much stress as he walked through the hallway and pulled from their pain. He even felt sick to feel like a pariah in his own recovery center, to feel slighted while his species had caused these people so much pain and suffering.

There were only a select few who didn't flee from his sight or huddle up in a corner at his approach. One of them strutted past him without a care as Tristan shook his fur out before snorting at his two guards.

As scarred as he was, the werewolf didn't seem to care about Xavier in the least. The man was happy to let his beast room in the woods for hours on end, and it had pulled a smile on Xavier's lips when he had spotted the massive animal rolling through the grass and sliding down the hills like a little pup.

This is why I do what I do. To restore these people back to their former selves, to see them carefree and happy.

Xavier paused as he observed the werewolf as it perked its ears before quick as a flash, Tristan bolted outside under a muffled curse from his surprised guards. Xavier could swear he heard an amused yip from Tristan as his tail disappeared into the bushes while his guards rushed to follow the wolf in another impromptu game of hide and seek.

He wasn't paying attention to where his feet were carrying him, but Xavier wasn't surprised at all when he stopped next to one of the larger trees on his domain. Ahead, Lucca was softly chatting with Jesse.

The incubi wasn't waiting for a response, merely talking softly to Jesse, recounting stories that happened in his absence or stories from their past. Xavier frowned in slight confusion when he spotted Fabian standing not too far away besides Jesse's standard two guards.

"Fa-" The Hellhound gave him a pointed glare to drop it, making Xavier shut his mouth before following Fabian's softening gaze and sighing to himself.

Of course. As if things aren't complicated enough...

Xavier shook his head to himself, suppressing the frustrated groan that threatened to spill from his throat. It was clear that Fabian's sudden attraction wasn't due to Jesse, whom he met at the Deprived's arrival.

An incubus and a hellhound...I wonder how that match-up is going to work out.

But Xavier knew not to press his luck ; clearly Fabian wasn't going to force the issue, especially not with Lucca being concerned about the wellbeing of his friend. Pressing their mating might cause the incubus to make a choice none would like the consequences of.

Like usual, Jesse barely responded to Lucca's gentle words, merely blinking and breathing softly. Sadly enough it was a common reaction from Deprived, to become completely withdrawn and unresponsive in an attempt to shield their fragile mentality.

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