Chapter 15 - Agony

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Everything was quiet. Gone were the artificial beeps of machinery that checked their vitals, the steps of agitated nurses as they fluttered through the hospital halls to check up on their patients.

They had all been brought to a recovery institution, hidden deep in the woods. Even now, when the Deprived had been rescued out of Draco's claws, they were still at risk. Both from themselves and from others.

Other Improba who heard of the Deprived might be tempted to abduct one, an everlasting blood supply that was forbidden. Which is why the place was littered with guards, each Deprived being assigned several bodyguards, whom followed them around like shadows.

The owner of the institution was a vampire himself... Also an Improba, but he had curbed his thirst long, long ago. He had walked amongst the slaves in Egypt, he had been a nurse amongst the soldiers of both world wars and had taken away the pain of those whose life was ebbing away from them.

All as penance for the cruelty done by his species.

Still... He was too ashamed to show his face to the Deprived. His blue eyes flitted through the hallways, knowing that any mention of his nature could be enough to send these pour creatures scrambling for cover.

Hell, even seeing his face could sent them scrambling back in terror. He was all to familiar with the fearful screeches whenever the Deprived thought they would never had to see an Improba again, only to be confronted with him.

It wasn't the first time he cursed his existence. Like all vampires, he didn't mind feeding on blood, but to need to feed from pain?

He sneered, a flash of his fangs baring to the sunlight before they were tucked back under his lips. Silent steps approached, making him tilt his head the slightest way while keeping his gaze out on the window.

"Lord Xavier," The head nurse walked confidently inside, eyes fixed on the clipboard in her hands. Her pen was flying over the paper with cheeky ease as she barely glanced at the report she was writing. "The last of the Deprived have left the hospital and are now healed... at least physically." She added with a grimace.

Xavier cringed together as well. He had ran this shelter long enough to know what kind of torment these poor Deprived had gone through. Usually a single Deprived arrived, maybe once or twice a year. Arrivals like this were rare and Xavier wished to never witness it again.

"Have their family members contacted through the police but inform them that they should announce their arrival beforehand." Xavier muttered, eying a few of the Deprived that cluttered together in a group, twitching at the slightest sound.

Most of the Deprived didn't even dare leave their room, accustomed to the rules of their former owners. Xavier sneered at the thought and turned away from the window before following Katherine down the hallway.

As they walked, he barely had to open his mind before he was barraged by a torrent of pain and misery. He fed eagerly, knowing that the Deprived more than earned their reprieve of their misery.

By the time they made it halfway down the building, Xavier was feeling nauseous and stuffed. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't take any more of their pain, at least not for today. Instead he reluctantly shielded his powers once again, shoulders relaxing as soon as the walls came up.

He dreaded the task that laid before him but knew he couldn't escape it. As owner, caretaker and one of three Improba allowed on the premises, he needed to know the Deprived's background.

As they opened another door, they found themselves in a small office, the officer inside already sighing as he laid the last of the files on the pile. "Xavier." He nodded before sighing deeply. "How are they doing?"

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