Chapter 2 - Wandering eyes

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The music pulsed and vibrated through the room, sending a thrill of ecstasy and motion through the crowd. People were twisting, dipping, grinding and moving to the heavy base as several scents filled the air.

Jesse's sense of smell might not be as fine-tuned as a Vampire or a Werewolf, but he could smell the lust curling in the air, the softest tinkle of hope and sparks of joy shimmering through the crowds.

A smile curled his lips as Jesse's eyes were heavily lidded, body twisting along with the music as he enjoyed his small break. Of course, several of the new arrivals were eager to dance with him, probably in the hopes of luring the pixie in their homes and to their beds.

None would succeed but it couldn't hurt to try, right? At least, that was what many of the men and even women most likely assumed as they danced with Jesse. He just laughed and reproached the dancing, even did a bit of flirting but never allowed them to touch his body inappropriately.

His first kiss, first touch, first anything would be his mate's, and no-one else.

"Well, you sure know how to whip up a crowd." A teasing voice murmured into his ear, followed by hands landing heavily on his hips. Jesse's lip tugged up in a smile as his head dipped to the side, avoiding the ticklish sensation of Lucca's breathe on his ear.

Jesse chuckled with amusement as the hopeful light in the werewolf's eyes slowly died out, only to be replaced with a disgruntled expression.

A snort escaped the pixie as he shook his head, long hair fluttering down his body and seemingly dazing several of the onlookers. "Just someone who's been dying to persuade me to break my vows." Jesse replied, to which Lucca let out a breathless chuckle, resting his forehead on Jesse's shoulder.

The fingers at his hip dug in slightly as a groan escaped Lucca before he huffed. "Relatable, since I'm half tempted to try and persuade you. You have no idea how attractive you truly are Jesse."

Jesse nearly snorted at that as he spun around in Lucca's hold, unintentionally causing his loose shirt to flutter open and reveal his flat stomach. The poor incubus that was standing in front of him was shaking with restraint, biting his lip as his fingers curled in the lapels of Jesse's jacket.

Seeing the fight for restraint and sensing the inner turmoil made Jesse realize how much Lucca was actually attracted to him. Jesse couldn't help it though, it was in his genes to be good looking.

He couldn't say for sure because his mother was mute on the subject and Jesse himself had never seen elves himself, but many had remarked on his physical appearance, and the fact that it reminded them to the carved yet elegant look of the illusive woodland creatures.

But seeing how Lucca's pupils were pulsing slightly made Jesse realize that the incubus was actually fighting his instincts, refusing to let his pheromones explode and rob Jesse of his free will.

So he smiled and took a step back. He didn't want to tease Lucca when he was like this, especially not give him the notion of being led on. Lucca was one of his friends, his best friend actually, and he didn't want to lose that friendship.

And judging from the way Lucca was keeping his eyes closed, limbs trembling and hands curled in tight fists, he wasn't willing to push aside their friendship for a simple rut. Jesse felt pain well in his heart and he slowly nodded his head, allowing his magic to slip out.

It instantly soothed the trembling incubus, giving him back his self-control so they could still enjoy their night without having to be split up. Lucca frowned, not understanding what happened for a moment until their eyes locked, a warm and grateful smile slipping on his lips.

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