Chapter 50 - Contribution

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The Leshens were on edge after Falco's suicide attempt. Ever since that day, they made daily checks in the village and Jesse could sense several Dryads settling around their compound as well.

There was a curious energy that had surged from the Leshens as they had darted in and out of the village, handing the Elves several tree seeds.

And they had watched in awe when the seeds had grown rapidly until several Dryad trees had grown to fruition. Allowing multiple Dryads to protect the Leshens' charges alongside them.

Wrapping his coat tighter around himself, Jesse observed one of the Dryads interacting with Falco. Tenderly caressing through the young man's hair as he leaned against her form, hugging her tree as if it was all that was keeping him grounded.

The gorgeous magnolia tree provided with a soothing, relaxing scent to the Deprived. Even Jesse inhaled deeply, enjoying the soft, sweet scent that greeted him.

Therapy sessions had been extended, giving each Deprived more time to process what happened. Jesse suspected it was also a way for the Improba to figure out if any of the other Deprived were suicidal.

Not that anyone blamed Falco. Many of them were still precariously balancing on that razor-sharp edge. Asking themselves one of the hardest questions on a daily basis.

Is it worth it? Will things actually get better if I push on? Or should I just end it, right here, right now... Do I even deserve to be saved?

A deep sigh escaped him before Jesse pushed up, giving Falco and Maggie some space. He only managed to take two steps before there was a soft huff beside him, making Jesse reach up and pat against the male Leshen's cheek.

He rumbled in appreciation, giving him a quick once over while leaning into the touch before cantering away. Pausing near Falco, who shivered before stilling in surprise when the Leshen gave him an awkward pat on Falco's hair before it moved on.

A smile slid on Jesse's face, the softest snort escaping him as he shook his head. "He tried, at least." He murmured to himself, gaining a smile from Maggie who shook her own head as well before weaving her fingers through Falco's hair.

Falco sighed, letting his head drop in her lap whilst looking up at the blue skies above. Jesse kept on walking to avoid the soft conversation that sparked up behind him, not wanting to pry into Falco's personal thoughts being whispered to his Dryad.

The show of affection between the pair had made Jesse's mind wander towards a certain vampire. However, he was surprised that he wasn't thinking of James.

While their time together had been extremely short and brutally ended without their consent, Jesse was slowly managing to accept what happened. At least, to accept that it wasn't his fault and that no matter how hard he cried and begged, time was irreversible.

James was gone. Forever.

But that didn't mean that his chance of happiness and love had disappeared from the world. Jesse's bond with Xavier may not be the same as with James, but it was good.

He shivered once again, pulling at his clothes, as if that would trap the warmth against him. Even the sun that was blissfully shining, warming anything in its path, didn't seem to chase away the cold properly.

Especially his hand and feet. Even with his hands tucked away in his pockets, Jesse could barely feel the digits, resembling more clumps of ice than flesh and bone.

Therapists told him it could be side effects from the depression, the PTSD that haunted his dreams and days. To feel constantly tired, constantly cold or experience sudden hot flashes.

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