Chapter 49 - Knowledge

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Xavier saw the slight, near imperceptible changes within all the Deprived on the compound. Thanks to all of their combined efforts, the Deprived were slowly feeling more and more comfortable.

There were less and less accidental frights by guards simply roaming the streets and spotting a Deprived. If they turned a corner and stumbled upon a guard, they only startled for a moment before continuing on their path.

While it wasn't a miraculous recovery, it was a huge leap for the Deprived. After all, they would've bolted back to their rooms or worse, fallen on their knees and beg for forgiveness.

Not to mention that the Deprived were getting quality treatment tailored to their own personal experiences. As well as the fact that Xavier and his team were actively encouraging bonds to form between Deprived and potential Choice mates.

Of course they didn't press the issue, nor did they force Deprived or their staff to actively pursue someone. But if there was a bond naturally developing, they didn't shy away from allowing it to flourish.

There were only a few newly Bonded within their settlement, though Xavier couldn't blame the Deprived. After all, they only had a limited pool of people to connect with, not to mention the severe trauma all of them were carrying along with them.

He wouldn't be too surprised if it took most of them years before they came close to even considering letting someone get near them.

Especially some individuals. Xavier knew of Ian, the Satori that Jesse had been hanging out with. Or rather, Ian had been slowly gravitating towards Jesse, seeing blissful comfort from the Deprived's thoughts.

It had confused Xavier the first few times where he had visited Jesse, only to spot Ian at the kitchen counter with his own mug of coffee.

By nightfall as they laid down in bed, Jesse had quietly explained Ian's situation. How the poor Satori's mind was fragmenting with every second that ticked away, suffering under the combined suffering of all the other Deprived.

How Ian had found a small form of reprieve through Jesse, thanks to the young elf using relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

Xavier smiled, shaking his head. It was ironic how helping Ian was also helping Jesse. By performing the relaxation and breathing techniques on a regular basis, the young elf was calming down as well.

Of course Xavier knew of Ian's plight. When the Satori had first arrived on the compound, Xavier had already searched for a way that could block Ian's mindreading ability.

While such items existed, they were insanely expensive and hard to obtain. Blocking one's mind from intrusions was normally an innate ability.

To prevent it in an artificial way was rather difficult, as one needed to obtain items from species who naturally were immune to mind reading.

Never mind the fact that Satori's were masters at breaking through such innate resistances. Attempting to stop Ian from subconsciously read others minds, was like trying to collect water with a sieve.

The only thing they could do for the moment, was exactly what Jesse was doing. Provide Ian with a few minds that were calm, collected and void of anguish. Places he could visit and settle down in, focus on them instead of the horror and abominations from other minds.

Knocking on their front door to alert the two Deprived inside, Xavier smiled reassuringly when Ian's head instantly snapped up and towards him.

"Good afternoon Ian. Good to see you today, how are you feeling?" Xavier genuinely inquired, keeping his thoughts warm and gentle.

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