Chapter 9 - Bleed it out

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This is not happening... this is not real, not real- Pain ricochet through Jessy's body, instantly snapping his mind out of the safety bubble he had desperately tried to create. He kept his eyes closed, attempting to keep himself separated from reality.

Ignoring reality didn't make it go away though; he could still hear the stranger behind him grunting, could feel each painful intrusion as the man pumped into him without remorse. His refusal to open his eyes when demanded instantly earned him a swift punch to his face, splitting his lip once more.

"Hmmm, you smell good. Even if you are just another whore." The vampire sneered, licking at the wounds on Jesse's face. It took everything in him not to fight back and kick the shit out of this vampire or use what little of his magic he had left.

God knows what Draco would do to him if he fought back against one of his clients.

Instead Jesse had to yelp when nails dug into his scalp, hairs yanked out and twisted in his client's fist before his face was shoved into the pillow.

His heart started to race, both from the pain of being raped once more and from slowly being smothered. When his lungs ached and the vampire simply thrusted more rapidly, Jesse started struggling, albeit weakly.

A grunt resounded from the vampire when Jesse's elbow landed a weak hit but that didn't stop the man. He only got himself a few more punches for his disobedience and he was twisted on his back, fingers wrapping around his throat before they squeezed.

Jesse's eyes bulged, his heart racing in his chest and muscles spasming from the lack of air being provided. He no longer had the ability, nor the energy to fight back, as the pain and lack of oxygen was slowly pushing him to unconsciousness.

His fingers slowly slipped from the man's wrists, losing the strength and capability to move. His heart, which had been racing, seemed to stumble on its pattern, slowly grinding to a halt.

The vampire's eyes gleamed with dark delight, adding a bit more pressure to Jesse's throat before disgust filled his being as the vampire came inside him. The man smirked, still moving in Jesse's body as he released his throat, making Jesse convulse and gasp for air.

"See you next week doll..." The man patted Jesse condescendingly on the cheek after he got dressed, eying his handiwork for a second as Jesse was still trying to get a breath in his lungs. He was hyperventilating, curled up and choking on nothing as his lungs collapsed from the lack of air, desperate  to just breathe-

And even when he got in a few gulps of air burning through his sore trachea, he could actually feel the tissues of his throat swell from the abuse. It was slowly blocking his airways, preventing him from getting a lungful and resulted in another panic wave.

"Breathe..." A soft voice whispered tiredly, gentle hands cupping around his throat; tingling magic rushed through his body, knitting damaged flesh together until with a wheezing rush of air, Jesse managed to gulp in some air.

For a few seconds, his lungs didn't know how to cope with the sudden supply, hyperventilating and then slowing, only to feel like getting choked once again until finally, Jesse could breathe on his own.

The second his lungs were able to function on his own, Jesse collapsed on his bed as he silently cried into the soiled bedding. Robbie could do little else but rub his back compassionately as he healed the pixie as quickly and gently as he could.

"It'll get better over time..." Robbie slowly tried to assure the pixie, no gaining any sort of response from Jesse, so he continued, "The others whom I healed slowly got used to it-" He flinched and fell to the floor as Jesse slapped his hands away from him, snarling in anger.

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