Chapter 6 - A new reality

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Pain was the first thing that greeted him in the middle of the cold night. As Jesse slowly uncurled, he hissed in pain when his body protested sharply against the simple movement. His senses were hyperaware of everything around him, magic sparking to scout the room for danger.

It was empty.

A sob slipped from Jesse's lips as he buried his face in the pillow. Pain ricochet all the way up his spine, his legs trembling and fingers completely numb. Flashes of what happened crossed his mind and Jesse felt his stomach heave, but nothing came out.

He lost his mate...his virginity... everything he held dear had been taken from him and destroyed. Part of him wanted to curl up, cry, scream and kick to let his anger and anguish out while a small part of Jesse just wanted to... give up.

What was left to fight for?

James' face flashed before his eyes, creating a lump in Jesse's throat that was making it hard to swallow. James wouldn't want him giving up and giving in to these vile creatures. It took minutes, perhaps hours, before Jesse was able to heave himself on trembling arms and roll on his side.

But he did it. For James. Anything for his mate. His body lurched forwards, nearly caving in as heat spread through his body, forcing a groan from Jesse's lips. His skin heated up as he shivered, almost as if he was getting sick.

Pixies never got sick though. Even if he was only part pixie, he'd never heard of Fae's and the Elven race to become sick either. They were free of physical illnesses at least.

Jesse's heart skipped a beat before it started racing in his chest at the sound of the trapdoor opening. His mind was quick to provide him with memories of last night, making him gulp and break in a cold sweat.

Not again...please not again...

He pushed himself up as best as he could, falling on his side as his mangled fingers protested sharply the second he put pressure on them. He heard a soft whine behind him and turned over. Jesse gulped in fright when he saw Draco's eyes glow with sadistic hunger, his fist curled tightly around a young man's neck.

"Get to work." He snarled at the man before shoving him towards Jesse. The man tumbled on the floor, his hair sparking with hints of red before he scrambled upright and made his way towards the bed.

Part of Jesse was scared, distrusting the man instantly. But seeing his own fear reflected in the man's eyes, not to mention the purple bruises on his pale skin, was enough for Jesse to lower his guard somewhat.

As the man reached for him, his eyes glowed a bright orange as his hands became shrouded in a thin mist. Jesse's eyes widened, glancing down at the man while he worked his magic, realizing that this fragile, shivering mess was actually a Kitsune, one of the rarest species in existence.

And it seemed that the Kitsune had been trapped here for quite a while, judging by the way he flinched and closed his eyes when Draco lazily petted through his hair and traced his fingers over the man's throat.

The disgust that made his own skin crawl was visible in the man's face, making Jesse realize that he wasn't the only victim here. Where was here, exactly? He yelped when his fingers snapped back in position, moaning in pain at the bones tearing skin as they rushed to mend themselves.

Looking up, he saw the man flinch and glance at him apologetically before lowering his head when Draco groaned, eyes glowing as he fed from Jesse's obvious pain. Jesse glared at the Improba from his curled up position, wondering what his plan was.

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