Chapter 18 - A Message

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The woods were quiet today. Now more than ever. Xavier had noticed it as well as the guards and had made sure to put out reinforcements at the walls in case anyone managed to find the well-hidden location.

It almost felt like the calm before the storm, where all creatures hid away with baited breath, waiting for the storm to unleash its fury.

The Deprived, as sensitive as they were, obviously felt it too. If they had been inclined to stay inside before, now they didn't even dare to tread over the doorstep of their room. A distant rumbling sounded in the sky, clouds twisting and churning.

A few soft white clouds sped away on the wind, as if fleeing the oncoming storm. Xavier shivered, eyes flicking towards the nearly black skies ahead that were fast approaching, forks of lightning enhancing its dangerous aura.

This is no ordinary thunder storm.

Xavier nodded towards Fabian as the Hellhound growled lowly before speeding off in a puff of smoke. The entire compound was to be put on high alert, as Fabian had warned Xavier of the approaching storm, as the man had sensed it.

Or rather the magic that caused it.

They all felt it, that ominous pressure unlike any thunderstorm as it sparked through the air in suffocating layers. The shocking thing was that part of said magic came of one of the Deprived. All the guards that possessed magic had tried and contain the storm but it seemed as if Jesse's anguish was bleeding into the weather as well.

A trait of his Elven bloodlines.

Because of that, Xavier was forced to send out messengers in an attempt to find any of the illusive elves in their forests, but so far he came up empty handed. Nobody knew of a way to contact the elves and none of the elves were even aware of Jesse's existence.

Xavier jumped as lightning forked through the air, the thunder clap that followed resembled more an explosion as it rumbled through the building, rattling all the glass panes in their windows. The Improba could feel the spikes of fear each time the booming thunder rolled through the skies, spooking the Deprived even more.

The scent of damp soil filled his nostrils as rain started to pour down in vicious torrents, assaulting the window panes with sharp taps of water. The breeze turned cold as trees swayed in the wind, the forest groaning under the abuse.

"Any news?"

He looked to his right, where several guards were watching the weather warily, almost hesitant to approach the windows. Xavier shook his head, frowning as he heard a door open further down the hallway and spotted an Incubus looking left and right before spotting them.

The man closed the door behind him before approaching quickly, glancing over his shoulder a few times as if anticipating someone to chase him down. Before Xavier could open his mouth to question the man, Fabian stepped up behind him, a worried frown on his face.

"Lucca? What's going on?"

Ah, so this was Jesse's closest friend. Lucca seemed agitated, rubbing his fingers together as he looked over his shoulders again, perfect eyebrows pinching together in a frown. "I... Its Jesse. I-I've stopped him several times but I think he wants to go outside."

They all gawked at the man in shook before looking over their shoulders to make sure that they weren't actually dreaming. "Jesse wants to go out? Have you seen outside?" As if to emphasize Fabian's words, a clap of thunder resounded so sharply, a few of the Deprived screamed in fear.

As guards rushed to settle the Deprived down and ease their fears, Xavier frowned, catching sight of the small figure in the oversized sweater. Lucca turned as well, sadness clouding his eyes as Jesse dragged his feet, eyes set on the door that led outside.

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