Chapter 12 - A sign

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He didn't know where he was.

Between the beatings, the rape and the draining of his blood, Jesse felt extremely weak. He could feel his heart racing in his chest, trying to pump whatever remained in his veins to supply his body with the oxygen it craved.

Breathing was no longer coming naturally; every wheezing breath he took was forced and fought for, the air squeezed past his swollen trachea as he laid there on the cold floor.

Eldo had left the cabin after cleaning himself up, smirking at the pixie when he had slammed the door shut and locked it tight. Even if this was the time to escape, Jesse knew it was simply impossible.

He had a feeling Eldo had known he'd try and escape and made it physically impossible to do so. Jesse wasn't chained except by his own body refusing to work.

Slowly he managed to roll on his side, face pressing against the cool, dusty floor before he sneezed once, groaning in pain. He didn't know how long he had spent in that cabin or how long his body could hold on without Robbie's healing magic.

Someone... anyone... please. Help me.

Pushing up on his arms, he instantly wobbled and smacked against the floor when the muscles gave up, forcing him to collapse. The lack of blood caused his head to spin, a pounding headache refusing to let up as his heart raced to stay alive.

Dizziness and the lack of blood made Jesse as pale as a sheet and yet he refused to pass out. He wanted, no, needed to escape, right this instant. Pushing himself on his stomach and kicking off his torn jeans, he slowly but surely managed to push himself up against the wall.

"Fuck..." He breathed, vertigo assaulting him the second his head was elevated from the floor. The room spun in front of him as Jesse raised a shaking hand and touched his sensitive throat. The bitemarks there were raw, pulsing with pain and slowly dripping valuable blood.

Looking for something to stem the blood flow, his eyes fell on the destroyed fabric of his jeans. Grabbing one of the fragments, he placed it gently on the wound and applied pressure, shivering and evoking a cold sweat as his body protested against the pain.

With heavy lidded eyes, he looked around the cabin, searching for something to contact the outside world. Draco has always been careful , had never let any of his victims out of his sight but Eldo seemed too cocky and certain Jesse wouldn't dare do anything.

After a few minutes, Jesse gathered whatever strength he had left and crawled through the room on hands and knees, feeling a little spark of hope when he saw the cord looping down from the table.

He stumbled several times and eventually fell against the table, causing the contents to land on his head in bursts of sharp pain. But Jesse wept with joy when he saw the house phone tumble in his lap, beeping loudly in the silence.

Tears poured down his cheeks as he grabbed the phone and dialed 911, slowly crawling back to the other room so he could put as much distance between him and the front door.

"911, what's your emergency?" A male asked kindly. Jesse's lip wobbled as he fought for his composure enough to whisper, "I've been kidnapped."

There was a second of silence before the male responded, "Do you know where you are?" Jesse shook his head, falling against the door with a thud while murmuring, "No... I've lost a lot of blood... I can't... move."

"Okay, just stay on the phone for me. What is your name son?" The man spoke warmly while Jesse tried to remain focused. "Jesse." Breathing slowly, he forced himself to speak, "They took me away from my ma- man, I don't know how long. There are others there as well, like me."

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