Chapter 4 - Crack

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Jesse smiled warmly as he snuggled just a bit closer to his mate. It had been several weeks since he and James had first met, and he couldn't have wished for a better mate.

It wasn't frowned upon for mates to consummate the bond the same day they met, but James had wanted to wine and dine Jesse first. It brought a flush to Jesse's cheeks, just remembering James mentioning as an Angel, a divine being that brought light to his dark existence. angel...

He chuckled to himself, nuzzling against James' chest and sighed in contentment. Over the past few weeks, James had taken him out on several dates and pampered Jesse as if he was a prince. No, as a god, worshipping the very ground he treaded.

James stirred underneath him, causing Jesse to smile and close his eyes to enjoy these moments of warmth and comfort. Even though they shared the same house now, the same bed, they had yet to do anything physical.

Hell, it had taken a lot of convincing from Jesse's part to even sleep in the same bed together. James had been alive since the times that courting one another was under guidance of a chaperone, usually the presence of the parents and of course their approval.

But, as Jesse had confessed, he didn't know his father, nor did he care to ask for approval of his mother. Hell, he hadn't seen the woman since he left the house, nor heard from her in the years that passed.

Out of sight, out of mind, it seemed...

James' own parents were of an even older era but, as reassured by James, they would be overjoyed with Jesse as a mate. They had slowly given up hope on the fact that their son would ever find his soulmate, so by simply existing, Jesse had given them all great joy.

So it had taken some time before Jesse had actually managed to convince James that these were different times and different costumes. Eventually they had compromised and found a good solution; James would live with Jesse, even share the same bed but in return, they would both get to learn each other well before any physical relation.

But...tonight's going to be the night... My birthday present...

How odd that the day he had always resented, because it had brought him to this world without having mated parents, not truly belonging to the family. Maybe this year, it would be the best day of his life, next to meeting James in the first place.

His thoughts were interrupted by a sweet kiss pressed on his forehead, strong, muscled arms wrapping around his back, pulling up the blanket to cover his bared skin. "Morning, my soul." James rumbled, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Jesse shivered slightly, his arms looping around James' neck as he sighed. "Good morning. Did you sleep well?" The vampire chuckled, jostling Jesse the slightest bit as his nose buried in Jesse's hair and inhaled deeply.

"In your presence? Never better, my love." James stretched and yawned, baring his thin fangs to the morning air before brushing his side of the covers away. "Now, relax a few moments and I will bring you breakfast."

Jesse rolled his eyes but felt that jittery feeling in his stomach. It had been something that James had done ever since they lived with each other. Jesse had nothing to look for, as James catered to his every want and need.

He barely sat upright and stretched, arms reaching over his head and toes curling in the sheets, before a plate was settled in his lap. Opening his eyes, Jesse grinned at the variety of fresh fruit, steaming scrambled eggs and crispy bacon to the side. Looking up, he grinned as James winked teasingly, holding his cup of Jasmin tea.

"Oh my god, gimme!" Jesse loved the laughter that spilled from James' lips as he eagerly grabbed for his cup of tea, sighing as the slightly bitter liquid warmed his throat. They shared breakfast together, laughing and teasing to the point where Jesse was playfully tossing his grapes at James, who feigned to be mortally wounded by the harmless fruit.

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