Chapter 10 - Queen Bee

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Music filtered through the room as Jesse managed his way up the stairs without faltering. He quickly shot a look through the room before heaving a sigh of relief when he noticed the Twins' absence and Draco distracted with one of the costumers.

Already the pixie could feel eyes on him, the magic in his blood combined with his body and soul calling for his mate, was drawing too much unwanted attention. Draco shot him a glance as well, smirking slightly before Jesse could feel the Improba's powers wrap around him like a snake, threatening to suffocate him.

Whatever magic that had managed to spark to life, quickly sizzled out under the dark magic that spread through his veins like toxic sludge, creeping along ever so slowly. Jesse shivered under the influence of the magic, goosebumps spreading over his skin.

Draco wandered closer, pinching the pixie's neck in his grip. "You better watch yourself." He spoke lowly, eyes burning in the back of Jesse's bowed head. All he could do was shiver, bile burning in his throat as Draco pushed Jesse against the nearby wall.

He blinked, keeping his eyes away from Draco, even though the vampire pushed up against him. Jesse didn't know how to react without triggering the Improba's anger but instinctively, he just knew it was all part of Draco's plans.

Keeping him in the unknown kept Jesse on edge and fearful, which was what the Improba wanted. Without knowing how to respond, it was much easier for Jesse to step out of line and as a result, get punished.

His heart thrummed rapidly in his chest as his eyes flitted around, trying to find a way to escape from Draco. Jesse quickly stopped looking when he caught the eyes of the Twins though, whimpering as Draco smirked.

Jesse's jaw was quickly caught in a vice grip before he was forced to look in Draco's eyes. The vampire slowly observed him, increasing pressure until Jesse whimpered and squirmed in his hold.

"I see that the allure is increasing." He grinned, inhaling Jesse's scent and watched him squirm. Jesse felt fear spread through his body and sink its icy claws in his heart when the Improba's pupils dilated, and more disgustingly, his groin swelled against Jesse's stomach.

"You're going to make me rich, Doll." Draco murmured before taking a step back, making a sharp motion with his head. The second he was free, Jesse quickly scurried away towards the table, keeping his eyes on the floor until he was seated.

As their captors slowly left the room, Jesse could feel the tension slowly dissipating, making the others relax and soft murmurs to start echoing through the room.

The seat next to him scraped over the floor, making Jesse look up. He gave a wobbly smile to Tristan, who only offered him a soft huff before focusing on his own plate.

Jesse shot him a few glances as plates were being passed around, before he was startled when a plate was shoved none too kindly in his hands. When he looked up, his eyes landed on the Siren he barely spoke to but had been warned about several times.

The woman curled her lip in distaste when he took the plate before shaking her head, causing the long brown strands to bounce back and forth. "I don't understand what Draco sees in you." She hissed venomously, gaining attention from the other diners as they quieted down.

Jesse didn't reply but simply scooped some of the mashed potatoes on his plate, even though he wasn't hungry in the first place. Especially not with the Siren that was glaring and spewing vile remarks left and right, acting as if she were a Queen and everyone else at their table mere vermin.

"Ignore her, Jesse." Tristan spoke up from Jesse's right, making the pixie blink as the Siren paused mid-tirade to glare at the werewolf.

"Excuse you, who do-"

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